diplomski projekt
Frosina Smilevska (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


V današnjem času je podjetju brez informacijske tehnologije zelo težko funkcionirati. Zaradi tega so v diplomskem projektu predstavljena naslednja področja: osnovne značilnosti logistike, osnovne značilnosti informacijskih tehnologij in elektronskega poslovanja, uporaba elektronskega poslovanja v logistiki. Logistika in elektronsko poslovanje sta zelo pomembna, saj spreminjata in bosta spreminjala odnose med poslovnimi partnerji, učinkovitost dela, zadovoljevanje stranke idr. Informacijska tehnologija je za logistiko zelo pomembna, še pomembnejša pa sta sodelovanje med partnerji v logističnem omrežju in celovit pristop. Ponudnikov raznih rešitev za informatizacijo poslovanja je pri nas dovolj, vendar se v podjetjih premalo zavedajo pomena in prednosti, ki jim jih elektronsko poslovanje prinaša tudi v logistiki. E-poslovanje omogoča tesnejše sodelovanje deležnikov v oskrbovalni verigi. Spremeni se vloga kupca, ki postane osrednji element oskrbovalne verige; le-ta mora s svojo fleksibilnostjo omogočati prilagajanje vsakemu kupcu in situaciji posebej. Z osredotočanjem na potrebe in pričakovanja kupcev omogoča kakovostnejšo, hitrejšo in specifičnemu kupcu prilagojeno uporabniško izkušnjo ob nakupu ter uporabi izdelka in/ali storitve.


informacijski sistemi;elektronsko poslovanje;logistika;oskrbne verige;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [F. Smilevska]
UDC: 004:658.788
COBISS: 12472604 Link will open in a new window
Views: 644
Downloads: 119
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Other data

Secondary title: IT support in logystics
Secondary abstract: Nowadays it is very difficult for company to function without information technology. In this thesis are present the following areas, basic logistics characteristics, the basic characteristics of information technology and electronic commerce, the use of e-commerce logistics. Logistics and e-commerce are very important to change and will change the relationship between business partners, work efficiency, customer satisfaction, etc. Information Technology for Logistics is very important, even more important are the cooperation between the partners in the logistics network and a comprehensive approach. Providers of various solutions for the computerization of business in our country is enough, but enterprises are insufficiently aware of the importance and advantages offered to them by e-commerce also brings in logistics. E-commerce provides for closer cooperation of stakeholders in the supply chain. Change the role of buyer who becomes a central element of the supply chain, which should be with its flexibility to enable adaptation to each customer and the specific situation. By focusing on the needs and expectations of our customers, enabling higher quality, faster and more customer specific customized user experience when purchasing and using a product and / or services.
Secondary keywords: logistic;e-commerce in logistic;examples of implementation e-commerce in logistic;supply chain.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 30 str.
ID: 8966449