diplomsko delo
Eva Gruber (Author), Stojan Kostanjevec (Mentor)


V prvih letih življenja morajo otroci sprejeti hrano, ki jim jo nudijo njihovi starši. Uvajanje novih jedi pa pogosto predstavlja izziv za starše. Velikokrat se zgodi, da otroci težje sprejmejo sadje in zelenjavo, zato je potrebno najti načine, s katerimi bi jih lahko spodbudili, da zaužijejo dovolj teh živil. Do zavrnitve nove hrane prihaja zaradi dveh dejavnikov, to sta neofobija in izbirčnost. Da do teh vedenj ne pride, je treba otroke že zelo zgodaj navajati na raznoliko in pestro hrano ter jim jo ponuditi na čim bolj zanimiv ter izviren način. Načini, s katerimi pa lahko spodbudimo otroke, da sprejmejo nove jedi, so različni in eden od teh je vključevanje otrok v pripravo novih, zanimivih in zdravih jedi. V raziskovalnem delu svojega diplomskega dela sem želela ugotoviti, s katerimi dejavnostmi bi lahko spodbudili učence, da sprejmejo nepoznane jedi in kako močno posamezne senzorične lastnosti jedi vplivajo na izbiro, okušanje in sprejemanje nepoznane jedi. V vzorec je bilo vključenih 41 učencev tretjega triletja z Osnovne šole Rodica. Podatke sem zbrala z anonimnim anketnim vprašalnikom. Rezultati so pokazali, da je za sprejemanje novih, nepoznanih jedi okus pomembnejši od izgleda jedi na krožniku. Učenci so nepoznane jedi bolje sprejemali, če so jedi pripravili sami, jih degustirali in ocenili. Raziskava, ki sem jo izvedla je pokazala, da je pomembno, da odrasli spodbujajo otroke k uživanju čim bolj pestre in raznolike hrane in da pri tem uporabljajo različne načine. Pomembno je, da otroci sodelujejo pri pripravi jedi, saj tako lažje sprejemajo nove in nepoznane jedi.


neofobija;izbirčnost;senzorične lastnosti hrane;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [E. Gruber]
UDC: 612.39:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 10693961 Link will open in a new window
Views: 806
Downloads: 123
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Encouraging children to accepting new kinds of food
Secondary abstract: In the first years of life, children must accept food offered by their parents. Introducing new food is often a challenge for parents. It happens frequently that children do not accept fruit and vegetables, so it is necessary to find ways which would encourage children to eat enough of these types of food. Refusing new food is caused by two factors namely neophobia and fastidiousness. In order to avoid these behaviors, it is necessary that children, already at an early age, get accustomed to diverse and varied food which is offered in the most interesting and original way. Ways in which we can encourage children to accept new food are varied and one of these is the inclusion of children in the preparation of new, interesting and healthy food. In the research part of my diploma thesis, I wanted to find out which activities could encourage children to try unfamiliar food and how strongly the individual sensory properties of food influence the choice, taste and acceptance of unknown food. The sample included 41 pupils in the third triad of primary school Rodica. Data was obtained by an anonymous questionnaire. The results I have obtained have shown that when trying unfamiliar food the taste is more important than how the food looks on the plate. Children accepted the unfamiliar food better if they prepared it by themselves, tasted it and also assessed it. A survey I conducted, contributes to the fact that adults should encourage children to consume the most diverse and varied food in different ways. It is also important that adults are aware of the importance of involving children in preparing food. In this way the children will consume the unknown food more easily.
Secondary keywords: nutrition;primary school;prehrana;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Gospodinjstvo in kemija
Pages: 43 str.
ID: 8966513