diplomsko delo
Urška Rebernak (Author), Miran Muhič (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi Vpliv ukvarjanja s športom pri starših na ukvarjanje s športom pri njihovih otrocih smo želeli raziskati in ugotoviti vpliv staršev, ki so bili v otroštvu in so tudi še sedaj športno aktivni (tudi v prostem času), na športno aktivnost njihovih otrok. Tako smo v teoretičnem delu s pomočjo deskriptivne metode predstavili otrokove gibalne sposobnosti in športne navade v vrtcih in šolah. Nadaljevali smo z družino, kjer smo predstavili vpliv ukvarjanja s športom pri starših ter športno aktivnost družine v prostem času. Nadalje smo opisali nekaj organiziranih športnih dejavnosti in vključevanje staršev vanje. Na koncu smo predstavili še razlike med vplivi mestnega in podeželskega okolja ter nekaj dosedanjih raziskav in ugotovitev. V empiričnem delu je uporabljena kavzalno-neeksperimentalna metoda, merski instrument je anketni vprašalnik, sestavljen iz vprašanj zaprtega tipa. Raziskovalni vzorec je bil namenski neslučajnostni iz konkretne populacije, ki jo predstavljajo starši predšolskih otrok in otrok 1. razreda osnovnih šol v Prekmurju. Zanimala nas je količina športne aktivnosti staršev in njihovih otrok ter njuna soodvisnost in vpliv okolja bivanja na njihovo vključenost v organizirane športne dejavnosti. Naše ugotovitve so bile: delež staršev, ki so športno aktivni vsaj enkrat na teden, je večji od deleža staršev, ki niso športno aktivni, več kot polovica staršev je bila v svojem otroštvu vključena v organizirano športno dejavnost; največ staršev je v prostem času skupaj s svojimi otroki aktivnih 2 do 3-krat na teden; družine so v prostem času največ športno aktivne preko raznih iger z žogo; ni statistično pomembne razlike med športno aktivnostjo družin v prostem času glede na to, ali otrok obiskuje vrtec ali osnovno šolo; več kot polovica otrok je vključena v organizirane športne dejavnosti; največ otrok obiskuje vadbe plesa; največ otrok je vključenih v organizirano športno dejavnost zaradi lastne želje; obstaja statistično pomembna razlika v vključenosti otrok v organizirane športne dejavnosti glede na kraj bivanja; ni statistično pomembne razlike v gibalni/športni aktivnosti družin v prostem času glede na kraj bivanja; ni statistično pomembne razlike v športni aktivnosti v prostem času staršev skupaj s svojimi otroki glede na starost staršev; ni statistično pomembne razlike v vplivu spola staršev, ki so se v otroštvu ukvarjali s športom, na vključenost njihovih otrok v organizirane športne dejavnosti.


predšolski otroci;šolski otroci;športne aktivnosti;starši;družina;organizirane športne dejavnosti;prosti čas;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [U. Rebernak]
UDC: 796-055.52-053.2(043.2)
COBISS: 21807368 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1058
Downloads: 205
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In this diploma thesis, entitled The influence of the parents' physical activity on their children's physical activity, we wanted to study and find out the influence of parents who have been physically active since their childhood (also in their free time) on the physical activity of their children. For that purpose, the theoretical part presents a child's motor skills and sports habits at schools and kindergartens using a descriptive method. We proceeded with a family, where we presented the influence of the parents' physical activity and the sports activity of a family in their free time. Furthermore, we described some organised sports activities and the parents' involvement into such activities. Finally, we presented the differences between the influences of urban and rural environment, and a few researches and findings up to this point. Within the empirical part, we used a causal non-experimental method, where the measuring instrument was a questionnaire, combined of closed questions. We used a non-randomized purposive sample from actual population, presented by the parents of pre-school and 1st grade children of primary schools in Prekmurje. We studied the quantity of the parents' and their children' sports activity as well as their co-dependence and the influence of the environment on their involvement into organised sports activities. We found out the following: the proportion of parents being physically active at least once a week is higher than the proportion of parents who are not physically active; more than a half of parents were involved into an organised sports activity during their childhood; in their free time most parents are physically active together with their children twice or three times per week; in their free time families are physically active through different ball games; there is no statistically important difference between sports activity of families in their free time regarding the fact if a child attends a kindergarten or a primary school; more than a half of the children are involved into organised sports activities; most of the children attend dance classes; most of the children are involved into organised sports activities at their own wish; there is a statistically important difference according to the place of living; there is no statistically important difference in free time physical/sports activity of the families according to their place of living; there is no statistically important difference in free time sports activity of parents and their children regarding the parents' age; there is no statistically important difference in the influence of the sex of parents who practised sport in their childhood on their children' involvement into organised sports activities.
Secondary keywords: pre-school children;school children;sports activities;parents;family;organised sports activities;free time;theses;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 82 f., [6] f. pril.
ID: 9044288