diplomsko delo
Ida Dobnik (Author), Andrej Brumen-Čop (Mentor), Beatriz Tomšič-Čerkez (Co-mentor)


Osrednja tema mojega raziskovanja je bila avtoportret. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti, kakšna je vloga avtoportreta v sodobnem času, in raziskati, kakšnih metod se poslužujejo današnji portretisti. V prvem delu diplomske naloge sem se posvetila definiranju pojmov, pomembnih za razumevanje avtoportreta, v drugem delu pa sem skušala prikazati razvoj avtoportreta skozi čas. Na ta način sem postavila temelje za nadaljnje raziskovanje avtoportreta, njegove vrednosti in namena v današnjem času v primerjavi s preteklostjo, tako v svetu umetnosti kot v širšem pojmovanju. V osrednjem delu teoretičnega dela diplomske naloge se tako posvečam različnim manifestacijam sodobnega avtoportreta, povezujem njegov razvoj z razvojem umetnosti in umetniškega trga ter prav tako z razvojem vsakdanjega življenja, tehnologije in potreb sodobnih ljudi. Z lastnim ustvarjanjem sem se poglobila in raziskovala, kako stilizacija pripomore k izraznosti avtoportreta ter kako je mogoče skozi avtoportret izraziti bistvo sebe kot umetnika. V pedagoškem delu smo z izvedeno delavnico v sodelovanju z mladimi sodobnimi umetnicami nadaljevale raziskovanje sodobnega avtoportreta, njegovo povezovanje in vključevanje v sodobni vsakdan in pomembnost, ki jo ima razširjeni avtoportret- spletni profil za nadebudne umetnike danes.


avtoportret;sodobna umetnost;spletni profil;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [I. Dobnik]
UDC: 7.041.53(043.2)
COBISS: 10708553 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1336
Downloads: 206
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Contemporary self - portrait
Secondary abstract: The subject of my diploma thesis is self-portraits, and its countless aspects. The goal was to find out what role, if any, does the artistry of self-portraits have in the art world of today, as well as exploring what kind of techniques contemporary self - portrait artists employ in their art along what message they try to convey with their art. Conceptually this paper will be divided into two parts. The first being the research focused on defining the terminology and diction that are important for the further understanding of self - portraiture as well its development through time, the latter which is dissected in deeper detail in the second part of the paper. Understanding the particulars of the artistry of self - portraits will serve as foundation for continuing the research of contemporary self-portraiture and what worth and purpose it has now in comparison to the past, while still keeping a focus on fine arts in its broader terms. The second part of the paper, but main theoretical drive, is on the different manifestations of the contemporary self - portrait. Exploring what they are now while drawing connections to their roots and development from within the fine arts, both in its evolution and market. Another branch of examination will be on comparing these ideas with the development of the everyday life, technology, and the needs of modern day people and seeing how (and if) self - portraits have place among them. For the part of utilizing my own art I focused on learning about and utilizing stylization and its effect in the expressive nature of the self - portrait. This was done in order to figure out in what ways it is possible to express and describe oneself as a person, and an artist, through self - portraiture. In the practical part of the paper I wrote about my experiences when I organized a workshop in collaboration with young artists. In the workshop the group explored the contemporary self - portrait. This included what connection and presence it has in modern everyday life as well as what significance the enhanced self - portrait, that is the web profile, for young artists today.
Secondary keywords: art;umetnost;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Pages: [72] str.
ID: 9055535
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