magistrsko delo
Katja Klodič (Author), Jerneja Pavlin (Mentor)


Predmeta spoznavanje okolja in naravoslovje in tehnika zajemata vsebine, s katerimi učenci spoznavajo svet, v katerem živijo. Učiteljeva naloga pri poučevanju je spodbujanje radovednosti učencev, da lahko iz neposrednih izkušenj razširijo in poglobijo že oblikovane pojme in predstave o okolju, ki jih obdaja. Pouk mora narediti pester, kar lahko doseže z uporabo različnih učnih metod, ki se pri poučevanju med seboj prepletajo, največkrat pa je ena metoda vodilna. Mnoge študije so potrdile pozitivne vplive metode didaktične igre, saj učenci med poukom vključujejo različna čutila in si, zaradi aktivne vloge pri dejavnostih, med učenjem več zapomnijo, njihovo znanje je posledično trajnejše. Tema gibanje se pojavlja že v predšolskem obdobju. Kurikulum za vrtce predlaga, da otrok odkriva različna gibanja in spoznava, kaj gibanje povzroči in kaj ga vzdržuje. Ta znanja morajo otroci z vstopom v osnovno šolo nadgraditi z natančnejšimi opisi, poimenovanji in prikazi različnih gibanj. V zadnji triadi osnovne šole vzroke in posledice gibanja še podrobneje opišejo, jih ponazorijo z grafi, opravljajo meritve poti in časa in opišejo tudi sile, ki delujejo na gibajoča se telesa. To je vodilo do ciljev magistrskega dela, ki so: ugotoviti, kako in na kakšen način didaktične igre pripomorejo k razumevanju obravnavane teme gibanje v 1. in 4. razredu; ovrednotiti vpliv uporabe didaktičnih iger na poznavanje pojmov povezanih z gibanjem v primerjavi s tradicionalnim poukom; primerjati aktivnost učencev obeh starostnih skupin pri tradicionalnih učnih urah in urah z igrami in ugotoviti, kakšne izkušnje imajo učitelji z uporabo didaktičnih iger. Zasnovali smo raziskavo, katere raziskovalna vprašanja so pokrivala cilje magistrskega dela. V raziskavi so bile uporabljene deskriptivna, kavzalna in kvazi-eksperimentalna metoda pedagoškega raziskovanja. Prepletala sta se kvalitativni in kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 42 učencev 1. razreda ene mestne šole in 43 učencev 4. razreda druge mestne šole. Učenci posameznega razreda so bili razdeljeni v 2 skupini, eksperimentalno in kontrolno. Podatke smo zbirali s predtesti in potesti za učence in anketo za učiteljice. V omenjenih razredih smo izvedli učne ure, pri katerih smo obravnavali temo sile in gibanje preko iger ali na tradicionalni način. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da so vse v raziskavo vključene učiteljice seznanjene z metodo didaktičnih iger in jo tudi uporabljajo, kadar menijo, da je ustreznejša od drugih učnih metod. Didaktične igre pozitivno vplivajo na učence pri obravnavi nove učne snovi. Učenci obeh skupin so dosegli učne cilje in pri dosežkih na potestu med skupinama ni statistično pomembnih razlik. Izsledkov raziskave ne moremo posplošiti, ker smo bili pri raziskovanju omejeni, tudi pri številu udeležencev in številu kontaktnih ur z učenci.


učna metoda;spoznavanje okolja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Klodič]
UDC: 373.3:792.28
COBISS: 10718025 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1659
Downloads: 197
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Didactic games in teaching motion in the 1st and 4th grade of primary school
Secondary abstract: The courses of Environmental Sciences and Natural Sciences and Technology include contents which enable students to learn about the world in which they live. The teacher's task is to encourage the pupils’ curiosity through direct experience, so that they may deepen and expand their already formed concepts and ideas about the world that surrounds them. The teacher must make sure that the lessons are varied, which can be achieved by combining a number of different teaching methods. In most cases however, a single method is still prevalent. Many studies have confirmed the positive effects of the method of didactic games. The method enables pupils to activate multiple sensory processes during lessons, due to having an active role in activities, which makes learning more memorable and consequently the knowledge acquired more durable. The topic of motion is first addressed in the pre-school, as the pre-school curriculum suggests that the child discovers different types of motion, gets to know what causes them and what it takes to maintain them. When entering primary school, children upgrade this knowledge with more detailed descriptions and additional examples of different types of motion. In the last three years of primary school they describe the causes and effects of motion in greater detail using graphs, measuring speed and describing the physical forces that influence objects in motion. This has led to the objectives of MA thesis: to find out how and in what way didactic games contribute to the understanding of the topic of motion in the 1st and 4th grade; to evaluate the impact of the use of didactic games on the understanding of concepts related to motion compared to traditional teaching methods and lastly; to take a look at the activity of pupils within the two age groups attending traditional lessons in comparisson with pupils attending lessons using games; and find out what kind of experiences teachers have with the use of didactic games. In order to approach the objectives of the thesis, we have designed a study with appropriate research questions. The study included descriptive, causal and quasi-experimental methods of pedagogical research, and interlaced both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The study involved 42 pupils from first grade attending one town school and 43 pupils from fourth grade attending a different town school. The students of each grade were divided into two groups, experimental group and control group. Data was collected with pretest and posttests for the pupils and a questionnaire for their teachers. In these classes we conducted lessons in which we taught the topic of force and motion by didactic games method in experimental group and by traditional teaching methods in control group. The results show that all the surveyed teachers are familiar with the method of didactic games and also use it when they consider it to be more appropriate than other teaching methods. Educational games have a positive impact on pupils, when they are learning new content. Pupils of both groups have achieved the learning aims and there were no statistically significant differences between the performances on the posttest of the two groups. Due to the limited number of participants and time spent with them, the research findings can not be generalised.
Secondary keywords: science education;primary school;educational game;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;osnovna šola;didaktična igra;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: VIII, 158 str.
ID: 9055566