reference chains in the novel Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
Teoretični del razlaga karakteristike in jezik popularne literature, ki obsega številne žanre leposlovja, popularne pri širšem občinstvu. Empirični del prikazuje lingvistično analizo karakterjev v noveli, z namenom ugotavljanja razlik med glavnimi in stranskimi karakterji v dolžini in kompoziciji kohezivnih referenčnih verig. Raziskala sem, kako besedilno jezikoslovje in diskurzi pojav (kohezivna sredstva) delujejo v delih popularne literature s posebnim poudarkom na kompoziciji in funkciji referenčnih verig. Preučila sem tudi raznolikost leksikalnih povezav v takšnih verigah, vse od preproste ponovitve do sinonimov in hiponimov v povezavi z obema tipoma karakterjev. Ugotovila sem, da daljša je referenčna veriga več vpliva in pomembnosti ima oseba v zgodbi. Najpogosteje uporabljeni zaimki so anaforični osebni zaimki, kot so on, ona in jaz. Nadalje imajo leksikalne povezave v referenčnih verigah pomembno vlogo, ker lahko skozi leksikalno kohezijo spoznamo karakter in njegov odnos z ostalimi. Končni rezultati so pokazali, da referenčne verige glavnih karakterjev dokazujejo večjo variacijo leksikalnih povezav v primerjavi s stranskimi karakterji, vendar tako glavni kot stranski karakterji vključujejo različne podkategorije leksikalne kohezije. Tretjič, prevladujoča leksikalna povezava v leksikalnih verigah pri glavnih karakterjih je po preprosti ponovitvi hipernimija, medtem ko pri stranskih karakterjih hiponimija. Četrtič, kot značilnost tega žanra, imajo leksikalni elementi, ki vstopajo v identitetno verigo prevladujoče ocenjevalni pomen ali nakazujejo odnosni status.
popular fiction;language;novels;romances;reference chains;cohesive devices;master theses;
Language: |
English |
Year of publishing: |
2015 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[T. Weinhardt] |
UDC: |
811.111(73)'38:821.111(73)-311.2.09(043.2) |
Views: |
1187 |
Downloads: |
141 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
Slovenian |
Secondary title: |
Jezik popularne književnosti |
Secondary abstract: |
The theoretical part presents the characteristics and language of popular fiction in terms of the various fiction genres and types that have proved to be popular with wide audiences. The empirical part presents a linguistic analysis of the characters occurring in the novel with the purpose of determining the differences between the major and minor characters in the length and composition of the cohesive reference chains. I explored how text linguistics and discourse phenomena (e.g. cohesive devices) function in works of popular literature with a special focus on the composition and function of reference chains. I also examined the variety of lexical relations in such chains, from simple repetition to synonymy and hyponymy in connection with both types of characters. I have discovered that the longer the reference chain the more influence and importance that person has in the story. In addition, the most used pronouns in the novel are the anaphoric personal subject pronouns, such as he, she and I. Furthermore, lexical relations in the reference chains have an important role because through lexical cohesion we get to know the character and its relationship with others. The final results show that the reference chains of the major characters exhibit a greater variety of lexical relations compared to the minor ones, nevertheless, both major and minor characters include different sub-categories of lexical cohesion. Third, the predominant lexical relation in the lexical chains with major characters after simple repetition is hypernymy, while with minor characters it is hyponymy. Fourth, as a characteristic of the genre, lexical items entering the identity chain predominantly have evaluative meanings or indicate a relationship status. |
Secondary keywords: |
popularna književnost;jezik;novele;romance;referenčne verige;kohezivne metode;magistrska dela;Sparks;Nicholas;1965-;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko |
Pages: |
103 f. |
ID: |
9055749 |