magistrsko delo
Gregor Glavač (Author), Borut Bratina (Mentor)


V tem magistrskem delu smo analizirali združitev bank Wachovia in Wells Fargo, ki se je zaključila konec leta 2008. Z metodo pregleda literature smo se spoznali z glavnimi pravnimi in ekonomskimi akademskimi viri tega področja, na podlagi katerih smo tudi lažje umestili oziroma definirali naš primer. Poglavitni cilj tega raziskovanja je bila ex-post interpretacija uspešnosti banke po združitvi glede na prejšnje oziroma ex-ante poslovanje. Zajeli smo rezultate v obdobju med leti 2004 in 2012. Uspešnost prevzema smo poskušali definirati skozi tri vidike. Zajeli smo poslovanje same banke, njeno kapitalsko ustreznost oziroma likvidnost ter vidik delničarjev. Na podlagi teh treh perspektiv smo s pomočjo glavnih finančnih indikatorjev preverjali tri hipoteze. Z analizo smo ugotovili, da je največja prednost združitve predvsem v višji kapitalski ustreznosti in likvidnosti banke. Do določene mere je Wells Fargo po združitvi tudi uspela povečati učinkovitost. Na dobičkonosnost in dividendno politiko sta večja finančna stabilnost in poslovanje z manjšim finančnim vzvodom vplivala negativno. Kljub temu je Wells Fargo pristal na četrtem mestu največjih bank v ZDA.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [G. Glavač]
UDC: 005.591.4:336.71
COBISS: 12193308 Link will open in a new window
Views: 823
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Mergers and acquisitions with a case study of two banks
Secondary abstract: In this master thesis we have analyzed the merger of Wachovia and Wells Fargo banks, which was finalized at the end of the year 2008. With the help of the literature review we have learned about the main legal and economic sources in this field, which has helped us with the definition of our case. The main purpose of this research was ex-post interpretation of the merged bank’s performance in comparison with the ex-ante operation beforehand. The analyzed period was between the years 2004 and 2012. We have tried to define the successfulness of the merger through three aspects. Those were banking operating performance, capital adequacy and liquidity as well as shareholders perspective. Based on these factors we have tested three hypotheses. Throughout the analysis we have found out that the biggest advantage of this merger was a higher capital adequacy and liquidity. To a certain extent the efficiency was improved as well. Higher financial stability and lower financial leverage affected the business performance and dividend policy in a negative way. After the merger Wells Fargo nonetheless became the fourth largest bank in United States in terms of revenue.
Secondary keywords: Wells Fargo;Wachovia;Acquisition;Merger;Performance;Efficiency;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 70 str.
ID: 9056068