magistrsko delo
Matjaž Bratina (Author), Tone Lerher (Mentor), Iztok Potrč (Co-mentor)


V nalogi smo s pomočjo strokovne literature predstavili kako pomembno je samo pritrjevanje tovora na tovorno ploščad med prevozom v cestnem prometu ter s preučevanjem dejanskih primerov iz prakse ugotovili katere fizikalne lastnosti tovora najbolj vplivajo na samo varnost prevoza. Menimo, da se prevozniki premalo zavedajo kakšni nevarnosti izpostavljajo sebe in druge udeležence v cestnem prometu, v kolikor zanemarjajo svoje obveznosti v zvezi pritrjevanja tovora. Celotno raziskavo smo razdelili na tri faze, in sicer smo v prvi fazi predelali teorijo, kjer smo se posvetili fizikalnim lastnostim tovora, teoriji privezovanja tovora na tovorno vozilo in načinu preiskovanja prometnih nesreč. V nadaljevanju smo s pomočjo spleta poiskali prometne nesreče, v katerih je bilo udeleženo vsaj eno tovorno vozilo. Prometne nesreče smo preučili in ugotovili vzroke njihovega nastanka. Na podlagi dejanskih primerov iz prakse smo nato primerjali posamezne fizikalne lastnost tovora in ugotavljali katerim izmed njih morajo vozniki posvečati največ pozornosti. Presenetila nas je ugotovitev, da sama masa tovora ne vpliva na obnašanje tovora med prevozom. Drugače povedano, če povečamo maso tovorne enote ne pomeni, da bo ta zdržala večje bočne pospeške in bo kasneje prišlo do zdrsa oziroma prevrnitve tovorne enote. V nasprotju z maso tovorne enote sta se, kot najpomembnejši fizikalni lastnosti, izkazali trenje ter težišče tovora. Pri tem smo ugotovili kako lahko vozniki sami pripomorejo k povečanju koeficienta trenja oziroma znižanju težišča tovorne enote. Z malo znanja in iznajdljivostjo lahko vozniki občutno prispevajo k izboljšanju odpornosti tovorne enote zoper zdrs oziroma prevračanje. V kolikor pri tem vozniki upoštevajo še »zlato pravilo« Navodil za varno nalaganje in pritrjevanje tovora v cestnem prometu, ki se glasi, da mora biti vsak tovor pritrjen kljub temu ali je to potrebno ali ne, je uspeh pri prevozu tovora v cestnem prometu zagotovljen.


varovanje tovora;cestni promet;varnost prevoza;prometne nesreče;preprečevanje zdrsa;težišče tovora;logistika;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [M. Bratina]
UDC: 656.1
COBISS: 512729149 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1995
Downloads: 272
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The importance of cargo securing in road transport
Secondary abstract: Through the literature the study shows the importance of securing the cargo on the loading platform during road transportation. By studying actual cases the physical characteristics of the cargo, which have the greatest impact on transport safety are also identified. We believe that carriers are insufficiently aware of hazards which they and other road users are exposed if they neglect the obligations of cargo fixing. Complete study was divided into three phases: in the first phase we were presenting literature, where we were focusing on the physical properties of the cargo and literature of securing loads on the truck and also different ways of investigating accidents. Further, by using the internet, we presented the traffic accidents in which only one vehicle was involved. Traffic accidents were examined and the causes of their occurrence were identified. Based on actual case studies we then compared the individual physical properties of the cargo and identified the drivers that should pay more attention. We were surprised by the findings that the mere weight of the cargo does not affect the behaviour of the cargo during transportation. In other words, if you increase the weight of the load that does not mean that it will hold greater lateral acceleration and will subsequently lead to skidding or overturning cargo unit. In contrast to the weight of the cargo unit are, as the most important physical properties, proved to be the friction and the centre of gravity of the load. In doing so, we realized how drivers can themselves contribute to an increase in the coefficient of friction and lowering the centre of gravity of the cargo unit. With a little knowledge and ingenuity drivers can contribute significantly to improve the resilience of the cargo unit against slipping and overturning if the drivers take into account "golden rule". Guidelines for the safe loading and securing of cargo in road transport, which reads that any load has to be attached, whether this is necessary or not, provides the success of the freight transport by road.
Secondary keywords: protecting cargo;road transport;securing the cargo;road accidents;anti-skid;center of gravity of the cargo;logistics;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: XII, 104 f., [1] f. pril.
ID: 9057042
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