Mojca Žefran (Author)


Članek prikazuje analizo slovenskih in angleških povzetkov diplomskih del študentov Pedagoške fakultete Univerze na Primorskem. Prvi del je posvečen teoretičnemu pregledu značilnosti strokovnih in znanstvenih besedil in se osredotoči na značilno strukturo znanstvenih besedil, ki sledijo vzorcu besedila problem-rešitev, kot ga je opredelil Hoey (2001). Nato poskuša razjasniti razlike med izvlečki in povzetki v slovenskih in angleških znanstvenih besedilih. Več avtorjev (Novak in Godec 2003; Kolin 2004) se strinja, da je pri razlikovanju med izvlečki in povzetki še vedno veliko nejasnosti, izraza pa se pogosto napačno uporabljata kot sopomenki. V drugem delu so predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativne raziskave, ki temelji na modelu Translation quality assesment (House 1997, 2004) in smernicah za stilistično analizo besedil (Bratož 2004). Analiziranih je bilo 20 povzetkov diplomskih del študentov študijskega programa Razredni pouk na UP PEF. Povzetki in njihovi angleški prevodi so bili analizirani z vidika štirih ravni: diskurzno-funkcijske (struktura, fraze, značilne za besedilno vrsto), semantično-leksikalne (strokovno besedišče), skladenjsko-morfološke (slovnične strukture) in slogovno-pragmatične (stopnja formalnosti). Najpomembnejši cilj je bilo ugotoviti, katere so najpogostejše težave študentov pri pisanju povzetkov v slovenščini in posebej pri prevajanju teh v angleščino. Rezultati so pokazali, da so imeli študenti največ težav pri prevajanju strokovnega besedišča s področja izobraževanja, pri prevajanju slovničnih struktur in pri slogu pisanja. Analiza podaja podlago za dopolnitev smernic za pisanje povzetkov diplomskih del. To bi pripomoglo h kakovosti zaključnih del na UP PEF, saj bi študenti pridobili dodatne kompetence za pisanje znanstvenih besedil, kar je ključnega pomena v vseh akademskih poklicih, kjer je to domala neizogibno.


izvlečki;povzetki;strokovna in znanstvena besedila;vrednotenje kakovosti prevoda;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization: UP PEF - Faculty of Education Koper
UDC: 82...A/Z1/7].05:378.046-021.64
COBISS: 1537772484 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4054
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Graduation thesis summaries in slovene and english: a contrastive perspective
Secondary abstract: The article examines summaries in Slovene and English written by students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Primorska as part of their graduation thesis. The first part consists of two stages. First, it looks at the typical structure of academic texts, which according to Hoey (2001) follow the so-called "problem-solution" pattern. Then it moves on to examine the differences between abstracts and summaries in Slovene and English academic texts. Several authors (Novak and Godec 2003; Kolin 2004) have argued that the terms abstract and summary cannot always be clearly distinguished and that they are often mistakenly used interchangeably. The second part presents the results of a qualitative research based on "Translation Quality Assessment" model (House 1997, 2001) and guidelines for stylistic discourse analysis (Bratož 2004). 20 graduation thesis summaries written by students of Primary Teacher Education were analysed. The summaries and their English translations were analysed in terms of four different levels: discoursal-functional (structure, expressions typical for the genre), semantic-lexical (technical vocabulary), syntactical-morphological (grammatical structures), and stylistic-pragmatic (level of formality). The main objective was to identify the most frequent problems students face when writing summaries in Slovene and especially when translating them into English. The results indicate that students had considerable difficulties translating technical terminology in the field of education, as well as difficulties in terms of grammar and register. The results of the analysis suggest ways of developing practical guidelines for writing abstracts and summaries for graduation theses, which may enhance the students' competence in academic writing.
Secondary keywords: abstract;summary;technical and academic texts;translation quality assessment;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: Str. 237-250, 614-615
ID: 9057862