Marina Volk (Author), Marija Pisk (Author)


Matematika v osnovni šoli je predmet, pri katerem lahko učitelj ponudi učencu veliko samostojnega odkrivanja in razmišljanja. Takšno učenje otroka miselno in čustveno aktivira ter mu daje zadovoljstvo ob novih odkritjih. Prispevek obravnava spremljanje aktivnosti učencev med učnim procesom pri pouku matematike. Učenec, ki je pri pouku aktiven, si z raznolikimi dejavnostmi in samostojnim odkrivanjem gradi trajno in uporabno znanje. Pomembno je odkriti, kako meriti učenčevo aktivnost in njene učinke, saj lahko to učitelja usmerja v to, da pogosteje uporabi oblike in metode dela, ki pripeljejo do večje angažiranosti učencev za šolsko delo in posledično do vseživljenjskega učenja. V teoretičnem delu so opredeljeni učna aktivnost v smislu učenčevega vložka v obliki lastne aktivnosti med poukom ter kazalniki, po katerih prepoznamo aktivnost med učnim procesom. Spremljali smo aktivnost 370 učencev v različnih oddelkih med izvajanjem nastopov študentov razrednega pouka pri matematiki. Za namen spremljanja aktivnosti je bil izdelan opazovalni list z osnovnimi kazalniki aktivnosti med učnim procesom. V opazovanje in beleženje opazovanj so bili vključeni študentje, ki so opazovali nastope kolegov študentov, in mentorici. Dejavnost učencev je bila opazovana po posameznih etapah pouka, saj je tako študent, ki je nastop izvajal, dobil takojšnjo povratno informacijo o tem, v kateri fazi učnega procesa so bili učenci najbolj pasivni oziroma aktivni. Predstavljeni so zbrani rezultati, mnenja študentov o aktivnem učenju in poučevanju ter zabeležki mentoric o učinkovitih oblikah in metodah dela pri izvajanju nastopov študentov pri predmetu didaktika matematike.


učni proces;aktivnost učencev;motivacija;spremljanje;pokazatelji učenčeve aktivnosti;poučevanje in učenje matematike;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization: UP PEF - Faculty of Education Koper
UDC: 373.3:51
COBISS: 1537772740 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4296
Downloads: 99
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Observing pupil activity during student presentations in maths classes on the elementary level
Secondary abstract: Maths in primary school is a subject where the teacher can offer the pupil a lot of autonomous discovery and reasoning. This way of learning activates the child's thinking and emotional processes and offers him/her the pleasure of new discoveries. This paper deals with the observation of pupil activities during the learning process in maths class. A pupil who is active in class can build up a lasting and useful knowledge base with various activities and independent discovery. It is important to discover how to measure a pupil's activity and its effects as this directs the teacher to using work forms and methods that result in bigger pupil involvement in school work and consequentially lifelong learning more often. In the theoretical part learning activity is defined in the sense of pupil input in the form of own activity during classes as well as the indicators from which we can recognise pupil activity during the learning process. We were monitoring the activity of 370 pupils in various departments during the student presentations in maths classes on the elementary level. For the purpose of activity observation a monitoring paper with basic indicators of activity during the learning process was prepared. Students monitoring their student colleagues and the two mentors were included into the observation and note making. Pupil activity was monitored through different stages of the lecture, so the student giving the presentation could get instant feedback on the activity or passivity of the pupils through different phases of the learning process. The gathered results are presented, together with student opinions on active learning and teaching, and the mentors' notes on effective work forms and methods with the student presentations at the Didactics of mathematics class.
Secondary keywords: learning process;pupil activity;motivation;monitoring;indicators of pupil activity;teaching and learning mathematics;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: Str. 301-314, 622-624
ID: 9057865