diplomsko delo
V teoretičnem delu poudarjamo aktivno vlogo otroka, učinkovitost igre kot pristop k učenju matematike, pristop k pouku geometrije "od telesa k točki" ter raznolike predstavitve geometrijskih pojmov. Izpostavljamo, da je aktivna vloga otroka oz. aktivno reševanje matematičnih problemov nekaj, nad čemer imamo kot odrasli le nadzor, otroci pa možnost udejstvovanja. Učinkovitost igre se kaže v tem, da z lahkoto dosežemo visoko pozornost ter motivacijo otroka, zato je znanje, pridobljeno z igro, trajnejše. V praktičnem delu diplome opisujemo postopek izdelave igre Blokus, njeno vpeljavo in izvajanje v vrtčevskem okolju, s čimer želimo prikazati, kako lahko s to igro, ki se odraslim na prvi pogled zdi pretežka, pri predšolskih otrocih dosežemo več kurikularnih ciljev ter vplivamo na njihovo mišljenje. Igra namreč razvija prostorske predstave, spodbuja sestavljanje in razstavljanje oblik in transformacije geometrijskih objektov. S tem ključno pripomoremo k razvoju znanja geometrije. Rezultati praktičnega dela so pokazali, da so otroci stari, od 3 do 6 let, zelo dobro sprejeli novo igro Blokus ter se po štirih tednih samostojno igrali. Seveda so se pokazale razlike med otroki. Nekateri so bili samostojnejši in spretnejši kot drugi, ampak prav vsi sodelujoči so usvojili pravila ter si tako preko igre razvijali matematično mišljenje.
diplomska dela;predšolski otroci;matematika;igra;liki;telo;Blokus;model Van Hiele;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2015 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[M. Hojs] |
UDC: |
373.2:51(043.2) |
Views: |
1905 |
Downloads: |
272 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
The theoretical part emphasizes the active role of a child, the efficiency of games as an approach for learning mathematics, "from solid to point" approach at teaching geometry and diverse presentations of geometrical concepts. Active role of a child means actively solving mathematical problems and should be something that adults only supervise, while children are given opportunity to take active part in. The efficiency of learning through playing and games is shown in that we can easily achieve high level of concentration and motivation of a child, therefore knowledge achieved in this way is more permanent. The practical part of the thesis describes how to construct the game of Blokus, its introduction and usage in kindergarten. We attempted to show how this game, which may at first glance seem to be too demanding, can provide an opportunity to pre-school children to achieve several curricular goals and affect their way of thinking. The game namely develops spatial awareness, encourages constructing and deconstructing, and transformation of geometrical objects. It fundamentally contributes to the development of proficiency in geometry. The results of the practical part have shown that children, aging from 3 to 6, had accepted the new game Blokus very well, and after four weeks had played independently. Of course, there were differences between children. Some of them were more independent and skilful than the others, but absolutely everyone participant had assimilated the rules and thus through game had developed mathematical thinking. |
Secondary keywords: |
theses;preschool children;mathematics;model Van Hiele;game;shapes;body;Blokus; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo |
Pages: |
XII, 71 f., [36] f. pril. |
ID: |
9059161 |