diplomsko delo


Diplomsko delo skuša opisati spremembe v življenju mater, ki koristijo porodniški dopust in dopust za nego in varstvo otroka. V teoretičnem delu umestim materinstvo v obdobje odraslosti, opišem partnerstvo in prehod v starševstvo. Podrobneje preučim kontekst materinstva v postmoderni in predstavim socialno mrežo in podporo v materinstvu. Pomemben del predstavljajo medosebni odnosi, socialna mreža, socialni kapital ter socialna izključenost. Vse to pa postavim v tesno zvezo s poporodnimi stiskami in težavami. V empiričnem delu s kvalitativno analizo šestih skupinskih intervjujev mladih mater odgovarjam na raziskovalna vprašanja o spremembah v življenju mladih mater, o podpori partnerjev in ožje socialne mreže, o spremembah socialnih stikov in o pomenu stika z drugimi materami. Ugotavljam, da imajo mlade matere veliko podporo svojih partnerjev, zaradi česar se lažje soočajo s spremembami. Socialna mreža se spremeni predvsem v smislu pogostosti stikov. Veliko jim pomeni pomoč bližnjih. V širši socialni mreži se pojavijo nove osebe, druge matere, s katerimi se povezujejo v skupine. Udeležba v skupinah jim predstavlja pomembno socialno mrežo. Rezultatov ne moremo posplošiti na širšo populacijo, saj vzorec, uporabljen v raziskavi, predstavljajo homogene skupine mladih mater iz heteroseksualnih partnerstev, ki so imele že v preteklosti razvito socialno mrežo, sedaj pa aktivno vzpostavljajo socialne stike.


materinstvo;mlade matere;socialna mreža;socialna izključenost;poporodne stiske;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Š. Seifert]
UDC: 316.472(043.2)
COBISS: 10756169 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1176
Downloads: 230
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Change of social network of young mothers
Secondary abstract: The thesis tries to describe the changes in the lives of mothers who are on maternity leave and use this time to care for and look after their children. In the theoretical part I place motherhood in the period of adulthood, I describe partnership and the passage to parenthood. I perform a detailed analysis of the period of postmodern motherhood, I deal with social networks and the support provided by others during motherhood. Interpersonal relations, social network, social capital and social exclusion are very important for my thesis. All these topics are further linked to the possibility of postpartum disorders and problems. The empirical part deals with the research questions of the thesis and contains a qualitative analysis of six group interviews with young mothers giving information on changes in their lives, their partners´ and closer social network’s support, changes in contacts and the meaning of contacts with other mothers. I discover that young mothers enjoy big support of their partners which makes it easier for them to face changes at this time. Social network changes are noticed mostly in the frequency of contacts. The help of those closest to them is very important to young mothers. New contacts appear in their wider social network, mostly other mothers and with whom they connect into groups. Participation in groups represents an very important social network for them. The results, however, cannot be generalised to a wider population because the mothers I interviewed represent homogeneous groups, all have heterosexual partners and they have already had a good social network before giving birth and therefore just continue in making new social contacts.
Secondary keywords: mother;social interaction;mati;socialna interakcija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 79 str.
ID: 9059202