diplomsko delo
Miha Borec (Author), Vojko Potočan (Mentor)


Vsaka organizacija poseduje svojo organizacijsko strukturo. Ta je pomembna in pripomore k temu, ali je podjetje uspešno ali ne. Primerna organizacijska struktura v podjetju je pomembna za doseganje konkurenčnosti in lastnih ciljev, neprimerna organiziranost v podjetju pa vodi v njen propad. Cilj diplomskega dela je preučitev podjetja in njegovih pojmov, glavni cilj pa predstavljata raziskava organizacijskih struktur in implementacija ugotovljenega na primeru podjetja X. Velik vpliv na uspešnost pa predstavlja tudi primerna organizacijska kultura, saj sta motiviranost in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih ključnega pomena, da podjetje dosega in uresničuje svoje cilje, povečuje svoje prodajne uspehe in se hitro odziva na vplive zunanjega okolja oziroma konkurenco. Na primeru podjetja X vidimo, da podjetje ne izkorišča svojega potenciala, saj so zaposleni preobremenjeni in ne morejo izkoristiti svojega potenciala ter kvalitetno opraviti svojih primarnih del in nalog. Z vzpostavitvijo primerne organizacijske kulture bo podjetje lahko uresničilo svoj potencial, prodrlo na tuje trge in povečevalo svoj tržni delež, okrepilo pozicijo na domačem trgu ter tako ustvarjalo večje prihodke in povečevalo svojo rast.


organizacija;organizacija podjetja;organizacijske oblike;organizacijske strukture;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Borec]
UDC: 005.7
COBISS: 12225820 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3522
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Company organization
Secondary abstract: Each organization has its own organizational structure. This is an important element and can contribute to the success of a company. Appropriate organizational structure in a company is imperative for achieving competitiveness and one's own goals, and inappropriate organization in a company will lead to its failure. The aim of this thesis is to study a company and its concepts; the main goal is to do research on organizational structures and implement the findings on an example of Company X. Appropriate organizational culture has a very important impact on successfulness because motivation and satisfaction of employees are key factors for a company to achieve and realize its objectives, increase its sales success and quickly respond to impacts of outer environments or competition. The example of Company X shows that the company does not fully exploit its potential as employees are overloaded and unable to take advantage of their potential and carry out their primary work and tasks to a good standard. With the establishment of appropriate organizational culture, the company will be able to realize its potential, expand to foreign markets and increase its market share, strengthen the position in the domestic market, thus creating more revenues and increasing its growth.
Secondary keywords: Organization;company organization;forms of organization;organizational structures.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 54 str.
ID: 9061581
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