diplomsko delo
Janja Masten (Author), Maja Hmelak (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu Vpliv komunikacije na pojav razvajenosti pri otroku nas je zanimal predvsem pojav razvajenosti, ki se lahko pojavi kot stranski učinek neustrezne komunikacije med starši in otroki. V teoretičnem delu je bil poudarek na ustrezni komunikaciji v odnosu med starši in otroki in ali lahko s slednjo preprečimo ali vsaj omilimo pojav razvajenosti pri otrocih. Tako je bil naš prvi cilj, da se seznanimo s strokovnimi izrazi oziroma kompleksnimi pojmi, kot so komunikacija, razvajenost, postavljanje mej, vzgojna komunikacija idr. Nadalje smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšen vpliv ima komunikacija na pojav razvajenosti pri otrocih ter kako pomembno vlogo le-ta odigra pri postavljanju meja. Želeli smo tudi preučiti, kako bi lahko s pomočjo komunikacije razvajenostpreprečili ali jo vsaj omilili. Nenazadnje pa smo s tem želeli ugotoviti tudi, koliko časa si starši dandanes sploh še vzamejo za primerno komunikacijo s svojimi otroki. Namen in cilj diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali neustrezna komunikacija dejansko lahko vpliva na pojav razvajenosti pri otrocih. Zato smo izvedli raziskavo na vzorcu staršev predšolskih otrok v vrtcu Šentjur pri Celju. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da si starši vzamejo premalo časa za kakovostno komunikacijo s svojimi otroki, saj zaradi vse hitrejšega tempa življenja ne najdejo primernega časa. Anketni vprašalniki so pokazali, da se večina staršev pojava razvajenosti pri svojih otrocih zaveda in skušana tem področju narediti majhne korake, ki bi lahko vodili do velikih sprememb oziroma izboljšanja ali celo do odstranitve pojava razvajenosti.


diplomska dela;komunikacija;medosebni odnosi;starši;otroci;poslušanje;postavljanje meja;razvajenost;vzgojna komunikacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Masten]
UDC: 37.018:316.362.1-055.52-055.62(043.2)
COBISS: 21821704 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1387
Downloads: 241
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The Thesis The Influence of Improper Communication on the Spoilt Child Phenomenon focuses on the spoilt child phenomenon which can occur as a side effect of an improper communication between parents and children. In the theoretical part the emphasis was on proper communication between parents and children and if the latter can prevent or at least reduce the spoilt child phenomenon. Our first aim was to get familiar with professional terms like communication, spoilt child, setting boundaries, educational communication etc. Furthermore, we wanted to determine what kind of influence does communication have on the spoilt child phenomenon and its importance on setting boundaries. We wanted to study how communication could help prevent or at least reduce the spoilt child phenomenon. Last but not least, we wanted to find out how much time parents nowadays take for proper communication with their children. The purpose and the aim of the Thesis were to determine whether improper communication actually can influence the spoilt child phenomenon. That is why we conducted a survey among parents with preschool children that are attending Nursery School Šentjur. The results showed that parents do not take enough time for a proper communication with their children, since they don't find the time due to the fast paced life. Questionnaires showed that most of the parents are aware that their children are spoilt and they are taking small steps that could lead to big changes, improvement or even to a disappearance of the spoilt child phenomenon.
Secondary keywords: theses;communication;interpersonal relations;parents;children;listening;setting boundaries;spoiled children;educational communication;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 62 f., [4] f. pril.
ID: 9063549