diplomski projekt
Denis Jager (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


V diplomskem projektu smo analizirali nabavni proces strateške surovine v podjetju Swatycomet d.o.o.. V prvem delu diplome so s pomočjo zbrane strokovne literature predstavljeni pojmi povezani z nabavni procesom in kasneje po kakšnem zaporedju si bi naj sledili procesi nabavne službe pri dobavi novih materialov. V diplomskem projektu se bolj podrobno dotaknemo tudi nekaterih ostalih aktivnosti nabavne službe in opredeljujemo njihov pomen za podjetje. V drugem delu projekta najdemo nekaj osnovnih informacij o izbranem podjetju in njihovem delovanju. V nadaljevanju, po predstavitvi podjetja in rovinga, najdemo analizo njihovega nabavnega procesa za strateško surovino – roving. Skozi predstavljeni proces nabavne strateške surovine v podjetju Swatycomet d.o.o. želimo dokazati, da ima podjetje primerno razpršenost dobaviteljev za izbrano strateško surovino; da redne zaloge rovinga zagotavljajo varno oskrbo podjetja za nemoteno delo proizvodnje, ter da ni razlik med teoretično predstavljenim delom nabavnega procesa in nabavnim procesom v analiziranem podjetju.


nabava;nabavna politika;surovine;dobavitelji;zaloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Jager]
UDC: 658.7
COBISS: 12238620 Link will open in a new window
Views: 888
Downloads: 46
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary title: Analysis of the purchasing process for a strategic material in the company SWATYCOMET d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: In our diploma we analyzed the purchasing process for a strategic material in the company Swatycomet d.o.o.. In the first part of the diploma we reveal, with the help of professional literature, the concepts that are related with the purchasing process. Later on we also show the correct sequence of the purchasing process for a new order of materials. Our diploma also presents some other activities of the purchasing department and defines their meaning in the company. The second part of our diploma presents some basic information about our chosen company Swatycomet d.o.o. and about their functioning. Later on, after the companies presentation and the presentation of roving, we find the analyzed purchasing process for the chosen strategic material – roving. Through the presented purchasing process of a strategic material in the company Swatycomet d.o.o. we want to prove, that the company has a well spread net of suppliers for the chosen strategic material; that a regular supply of roving guarantees a safe quantity of material for a smooth manufacturing process; and that there is no difference between the presented theoretic purchasing process and the purchasing process in the analyzed company.
Secondary keywords: purchase;purchasing process;strategic material - roving;Swatycomet d.o.o.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 2018-11-12
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 36 str., V str. pril.
ID: 9064520