primerjava med slovensko in šeriatsko ureditvijo
Vanesa Fideršek (Author), Sabina Zgaga (Mentor)


Kazensko pravo opredeljujemo kot skupek pravil in norm, ki urejajo pravice in dolžnosti posameznika, ki je storil kaznivo dejanje. Nastanek prava sega v 18. stoletje v čas razsvetljenstva. Temeljna naloga kazenskega prava je varovanje ljudi v skupnosti kot tudi varovanje dobrin in norm. V Sloveniji poznamo štiri vrste sankcij: kazni, opozorilne sankcije, varnostne ukrepe, vzgojne ukrepe in alternativne sankcije, ki so se razvile z namenom nadomestitve kazni zapora. V diplomski nalogi se osredotočamo na kazni. Definirajo se kot pravna posledica, s katero storilec dobi zasluženo kazen za storjeno dejanje. V našem Kazenskem zakoniku–1, 2015 so zapisane tri vrste kazni: denarna kazen, zapor in prepoved vožnje motornega vozila. Šeriatsko pravo je poznano kot pravo, ki vsebuje krute kazni in se izvaja na talionski način. Glavni zakonik, ki ga poznajo muslimani, se imenuje Koran. Koran je sveta knjiga, ki vsebuje Alahovo razodetje in svojim pripadnikom sporoča, kaj se sme in kaj ne. Poleg Korana poznamo še druge temeljne vire, kot so: suna, idžma in gijas. Predstavljene so razlike med obema pravnima sistemoma na podlagi konkretnih primerov, ki jih med seboj primerjamo. Izbrali smo primere umora, dvojne zakonske zveze, ropa, posilstva, apostazije in telesnih poškodb. V šeriatskem pravu je kazen za umor veliko bolj stroga. Kaznuje se s kaznijo gisas, posledica za to kaznivo dejanje pa je smrt. V šeriatu posilstvo kaznujejo s kaznijo tazir, kar pomeni, da kazen ni zapisana v Koranu ali suni, ampak je kaznovanje prepuščeno sodniku ali vladarju, v primeru storilčevega priznanja pa ta dobi smrtno kazen s kamenjanjem. Kazen za rop je veliko bolj dramatična v šeriatu: storilcu kaznivega dejanja se odrežeta roka in noga. V primeru smrti med ropom se storilca kaznuje s smrtjo. V našem pravnem sistemu se storilca, ki je sklenil novo zakonsko zvezo, kaznuje z enim letom zapora. V šeriatu se lahko moški poroči z največ štirimi ženami. Glede na Kazenski zakonik - 1, 2015 apostazija ni kaznivo dejanje, v šeriatu pa se odpadništvo od islamske vere kaznuje s smrtjo, vendar le če se nekdo odpove islamski veri. Naš Kazenski zakonik loči: lahke telesne poškodbe, hude telesne poškodbe in posebno hude telesne poškodbe ter različne kazni zanj. V šeriatu za telesne poškodbe velja povračilni zakon: oko za oko, zob za zob.


kriminaliteta;kazensko pravo;kazenske sankcije;šeriat;šeriatsko pravo;primerjave;Slovenija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: V. Fideršek]
UDC: 343.8:[343+28-428.3](043.2)
COBISS: 3052010 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4658
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Criminal law is defined as a set of rules and norms that regulate the rights and duties of an individual who has committed a criminal offense. The formation of law dates back to the 18th century at the time of the Enlightenment. Basic function of the criminal law is to protect people in the community and to protect property and norms. There are four types of sanctions in Slovenia: penalty, warning sanctions, security measures and educational measures. In this thesis we focus on penalties. A penalty is defined as a legal consequence by which the perpetrator gets the deserved penalty for offense. Three types of penalties are written in our Penal Code: financial penalty, imprisonment and prohibition of driving a motor vehicle. Sharia law is known as the law which contains harsh penalties that are implemented in a way of talion. The main code that the Muslims know is called the Quran. The Quran is the holy book containing Allah's revelations which tells its members what is right and what is wrong. In addition to the Quran, there are other fundamental sources, such as Sunnah, Ijma and Quiyas. The thesis presents the difference between the two legal systems which we compare on the basis of concrete examples. We chose a case of murder, double marriage, robbery, sexual violence, apostasy, and bodily harm. The penalty for murder is stricter in Sharia law. It is punished by qisas and the consequence is death. In Sharia law a rape is punished by tazir which means that punishment is not written in the Quran or Sunna but it is left to the judge or ruler. If a perpetrator pleads a crime, his penalty will be stoning to death. The punishment for robbery is much more dramatic in Sharia law: the offender's arm or leg shall be cut off. In a case of death during a robbery, the perpetrator is punishable by death. In our Penal Code, the offender who has entered into double marriage is punishable by one year of imprisonment. In Sharia law men can merry up to four wives. In Slovenia, apostasy is not a crime. Apostasy from the Islamic religion is punishable by death, but only if someone denounces the Islamic faith. In Sharia law, the perpetrator must pay blood money in the case of manslaughter. In our Penal Code the punishment for manslaughter is up to fifteen years in prison. Our Penal Code distinguishes: minor bodily harm, serious bodily harm, grievous bodily harm and different penalties for them. In Sharia law, punishment for bodily harm is retaliation: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
Secondary keywords: law;Sharia;the Quran;penalties;sanctions;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 36 str.
ID: 9064906
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