magistrsko delo
Jasmina Subič (Author), Vesna Štemberger (Mentor)


V današnjem času je ena glavnih in pomembnih nalog učitelja, da učence v času šolanja opremi s kompetencami, ki mu bodo pomagale, da se bo uspešno vključil v sodobno družbo. Ker se med učenci pojavljajo razlike, kljub temu da so si po kronološki starosti podobni ali enaki, je zelo pomemben vidik izvajanja didaktičnega načela učne diferenciacije in individualizacije v vsakodnevnem pouku. Pomembno je, da učitelj prepozna posebnosti posameznika, jih zna opredeliti in se na podlagi tega ustrezno odzvati in izbrati strategije, ki mu bodo v pomoč in podporo. Vsakodnevna gibalna dejavnost ima velik vpliv pri razvijanju posameznikove osebnosti. To dejavnost vse večkrat predstavlja predvsem šolska športna aktivnost in specifične športne vsebine. Pomemben dejavnik otrokovega razvoja pa so tudi njegove želje, potrebe, interesi in zmožnosti. Razredni učitelj se mora zavedati dejstva, da je obdobje med šestim in desetim letom najprimernejše za razvoj koordinacije in učenja gibanja. Gibalne sposobnosti učencev pa vse bolj upadajo, zato je šolska športna aktivnost zelo pomembna pri razvijanju in spodbujanju gibalnih sposobnosti otrok. Namen raziskovalnega dela je bil ugotoviti, kako učitelji od 1. do 5. razreda osnovne šole načrtujejo, uporabljajo ter izvajajo individualizacijo in diferenciacijo pri pouku športa, v katerem delu ure jo uporabljajo, kaj ponavadi diferencirajo in individualizirajo ter kako nadomestijo primanjkljaje pri določenih vsebinah. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako skrbijo za svoj profesionalni razvoj in kako ocenjujejo svojo usposobljenost za poučevanje različnih učencev. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da učitelji diferencirajo in individualizirajo pouk športa. To največkrat počnejo v osrednjem delu učne ure ter pri utrjevanju oziroma ponavljanju usvojene tematike. Pri tem največkrat individualizirajo in diferencirajo metodične postopke, vsebine in metode dela. Pri športu največkrat uporabljajo učne oblike dela, kot so: delo v paru, delo v heterogenih skupinah, igralne skupine, individualno delo, ki je prilagojeno učenčevim sposobnostim idr. Učitelji učence v skupne razvrščajo subjektivno, po opazovanju, malokrat pa se poslužujejo objektivne razvrstitve. V večini učitelji primanjkljaj v znanju pri športu nadomeščajo z medsebojno pomočjo boljših učencev slabšim in z navodili za vajo doma. Ugotovili smo, da učitelji za svoj profesionalni razvoj skrbijo tako, da prebirajo strokovno literaturo in se udeležujejo aktivov, seminarjev in študijskih skupin. Zelo malo učiteljev se čuti popolnoma usposobljene za delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami. Največ učiteljev se čuti popolnoma neusposobljene za delo s slepimi in slabovidnimi, gluhimi in naglušnimi ter z učenci z motnjami v duševnem razvoju. Večina učiteljev prilagaja pouk športa in izvaja učno diferenciacijo in individualizacijo tako v prvem kot v drugem triletju osnovne šole. Kot največje težavo pa pri tem zaznavajo, da imajo v razredu veliko učencev, ki potrebujejo prilagoditve, da težko nadzorujejo in usklajujejo delo in da jim priprava in izvedba učne diferenciacije in individualizacije vzameta veliko časa.


predmet šport;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Subić]
UDC: 796:373.3(043.3)
COBISS: 10814281 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1391
Downloads: 203
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The individualisation and differentiation in physical education in the first and second cycle of the primary school
Secondary abstract: One of the most important tasks of a teacher nowadays is to prepare a student to successfully integrate into contemporary society. Despite the fact that students are the same age, they differ from each other. Therefore, the didactic principle of differentiation and individualisation in everyday lessons is extremely important. A teacher should be able to recognize characteristics of each individual, define them, appropriately react, and choose helpful strategies. Everyday physical activities have a great effect on individual’s personality development. These are mainly activities in physical education and specific sports disciplines. An important factor in a child’s development are also his or her wishes, needs, interests, and abilities. A form master has to be aware of the fact that the most appropriate age for the development of motoric functions is the age between six and ten years. However, motoric functions of students are worsening. Therefore, physical education in schools is extremely important for children’s motoric functions development and encouragement. The aim of the research paper was to find out in which way teachers from the first to fifth grade of elementary school plan, use, and carry out the individualisation and differentiation in physical education. Also, during which part of the lesson they use it, what the subject of their differentiation and individualisation is, and how they substitute certain imperfect contents. One of our aims was also to find out how teachers take care of their professional development and how do they evaluate their ability of teaching different students. The results of the research showed that teachers differentiate and individualise the lessons of physical education. Most often they carry it out during the middle part of the lesson and during the revision of already covered topics. They mostly individualise and differentiate methodical procedures, contents, and work methods. In physical education they often use different approaches, such as: work in pairs, work in heterogeneous groups, playgroups, individual work which is adjusted to student’s abilities etc. Teachers subjectively arrange students into groups – based on their own observation. Rarely teachers use objective arrangements. Most often the missing knowledge of sports is improved with mutual help of students and instructions for home exercises. We established that teachers read professional literature, participate in working groups, workshops, and study groups in order to develop professionally. A small number of teachers consider themselves absolutely competent at working with children with special needs. Most teachers feel absolutely incompetent at working with blind and visually-impaired children, deaf and hearing-impaired children, and children with mental disorders. Most teachers adjust physical education and carry out differentiation and individualisation during the first three years of elementary school, and during the second three years, as well. However, they consider a big number of students in their classes who need adjustments one of the biggest problems during the process; also, to control and coordinate their work presents a problem, and the preparation and execution of differentiation and individualisation take a lot of time.
Secondary keywords: primary education;sport;individualization;differentiation;osnovnošolski pouk;šport;individualizacija;diferenciacija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje na razredni stopnji
Pages: 97 str.
ID: 9077419