magistrsko delo
Lucija Mikelj (Author), Jana Rapuš-Pavel (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava prostovoljstvo kot omrežje socialne opore mladim. V teoretičnem delu se na podlagi različnih avtorjev in raziskav osredotočam na mlade v sodobnem času, kjer izpostavim socialno ranljivost mladih kot posledico kompleksnega prehoda v odraslost. V nadaljevanju pregledujem možne varovalne dejavnike, priložnosti socialnega vključevanja, kjer izpostavim pomen (ustrezne, dobre) socialne opore kot močen varovalni člen pri prehodu v odraslost in prostovoljstvo kot možen dodaten vir socialne opore in vključevanja. V empiričnem delu raziščem, kakšno vlogo in pomen mladi pripisujejo prostovoljstvu. V raziskavi je uporabljen kvantitativno-kvalitativni pristop. Podatki so zbrani s spletno anketo, ki je bila poslana na družbena omrežja in elektronske naslove. Anketni vprašalnik je v celoti rešilo 169 anketirancev, od tega 18 moških in 151 žensk, starih od 18 do 30 let. Ugotovitve raziskave kažejo, da ni statistično pomembnih razlik, povezanih s kazalci prehoda v odraslost oziroma s kakovostjo socialne opore glede na to, ali so mladi imeli izkušnjo prostovoljstva. Med prostovoljci se je izkazalo, da le nekateri prostovoljstvo povezujejo s širjenjem svoje socialne mreže, drugi pa so ali s kakovostjo socialne opore bili zadovoljni že prej in nimajo potrebe po novih virih ali pa jim je bolj pomembno pridobljeno znanje in izkušnje za delo na določenem področju. Ugotovitve kažejo, da prostovoljstvo pozitivno vpliva na posameznika, ki se za prostovoljstvo odloči. Prostovoljstvo mladi dojemajo kot alternativo, s katero jim je soočanje s prehodom v odraslost lažje. Mladi z izkušnjo prostovoljstva so tudi bolj zadovoljni s svojim življenjem kot tisti, ki niso prostovoljci.


mladi;socialno vključevanje mladih;socialna ranljivost mladih;socialna opora;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Mikelj]
UDC: 364-32-053.81(043.2)
COBISS: 10815817 Link will open in a new window
Views: 795
Downloads: 157
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Volunteering as a network of social support to young people
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis deals with volunteering as a network offering social support to young people. The theoretical part is based on different authors and pieces of research that focus on young people in modern times, pointing out the social vulnerability of young people as a result of a complex transition to adulthood. Furthermore, it analyses potential protective elements and opportunities of social inclusion, with special emphasis placed on (appropriate, good) social support as a powerful protective element in the transition to adulthood, and volunteering as a possible source of additional social support and integration. The empirical part explores what role and importance young people attribute to volunteering. The quantitative-qualitative approach was used in the survey. Data was collected through an online survey questionnaire, which was distributed via social networks and e-mail addresses. The questionnaire was completely filled in by 169 respondents, of which 18 were men and 151 were women aged from 18 to 30 years. Research findings showed no statistically significant differences related to the indicators of the transition to adulthood or the quality of social support depending on whether young people have had experience with volunteering. Only some of the volunteers among the respondents connected volunteering with the expansion of their social networks, while others were either already satisfied with the quality of their social support or believed it was more important to gain experience in how to work in a specific area. The findings also show that volunteering has a positive impact on the individual who chooses to become one. Young people perceive volunteering as an alternative that helps them face the transition to adulthood more easily. Young people with experience in volunteering are more satisfied with their lives than those who have not volunteered.
Secondary keywords: voluntary work;young adult;prostovoljno delo;mlajši odrasli;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 96 str.
ID: 9077827