diplomska naloga
S problemom nastajanja plesni in prekomerne vlage se soočamo tako v bivalnih kot tudi
delovnih in drugih prostorih. Naš namen je bil preučiti zakonodajo z vidika kondenzacije,
posebej pa smo se osredotočili na standarda SIST EN ISO 13788:2002 in SIST EN ISO
13788:2013. Standard SIST EN ISO 13788:2002 opisuje metode za izračun notranjih
temperatur na površini konstrukcijskih sklopov ali sestavnega dela konstrukcijskega sklopa,
pod katero nastaja plesen, in ocene tveganja kondenzacije zaradi difuzije vodne pare.
Preučili pa smo tudi prenovljeni standard, SIST EN ISO 13788:2013, ki ima dodan še primer
določitve notranje temperature zraka in relativne zračne vlažnosti, vsebuje pa tudi primere
izračunov konstrukcijskih sklopov, ki vsebujejo vmesne zračne plasti, in primer izračuna
izsuševanja vlage, ki je bila vnesena med izvedbo konstrukcijskega sklopa.
Na osnovi omenjene dokumentacije smo izdelali program in ga poimenovali PIDVP. Program
omogoča izračun difuzije vodne pare in ocene tveganja nastanka plesni ter nastajanja
kondenzacije na površini in znotraj konstrukcijskega sklopa. Prav tako smo vključili tudi
izračune za določitev notranje temperature in vlažnosti zraka. Pomagalo ne vsebuje
možnosti izračuna za primer konstrukcije, ki vsebuje zračne plasti in izračuna za določitev
časa izsuševanja vlage, ki je bila vgrajena med izgradnjo konstrukcije.
Vsi primeri izračunov iz standarda SIST EN ISO 13788:2002 so bili ponovno izračunani s
pomočjo tega programa. Dva dodatna primera (za streho in za steno) sta bila izračunana s
pomočjo izdelanega programa ter programa KI Energija 2014. Primerjava izračunov je
prikazana v preglednicah, kjer je posebej izpostavljeno ujemanje rezultatov. Ugotovljeno je
bilo, da pri primerjavi rezultatov prihaja do zanemarljivih odstopanj. Le v dodatnem primeru
za steno prihaja pri izračunu stopnje kondenzacije v mesecu aprilu do večjih odstopanj med
rezultati novo izdelanega programa (program predvideva, da v eni od ravnin še vedno prihaja
do kondenzacije) in rezultati programa KI Energija 2014 (program predvideva, da v isti
ravnini poteka izsuševanje kondenzirane vodne pare). Na podlagi analize primerjav
izračunov lahko sklepamo, da novo izdelani program deluje pravilno. Po analizi, ki je
opisana, predvidevamo, da je do odstopanja v mesecu aprilu prišlo le zaradi drugačnega
načina izračuna stopnje kondenzacije.
gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;kondenzacija;difuzija;plesni;vlažnost;gradbeni objekti;izračuni;načrtovanje;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2015 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering |
Publisher: |
[K. Svetina] |
UDC: |
004.42:699.8(043.2) |
Views: |
4716 |
Downloads: |
577 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Programme development for the calculation of water vapour diffusion according to SIST EN ISO 13788 standard |
Secondary abstract: |
Mould growth and excess moisture pose problems in residential as well as working and other
spaces. Our purpose was to study legislation regarding condensation, in particular the SIST
EN ISO 13788:2002 and SIST EN ISO 13788:2013 standards. SIST EN ISO 13788:2002
standard describes calculation methods for the internal surface temperatures of a building
component or building elements below which mould growth is likely as well as risk
assessment of condensation due to water vapour diffusion. We have also studied the revised
SIST EN ISO 13788:2013 standard which includes an example of determining internal air
temperature and relative air humidity as well as examples for calculating building
components which contain intermediary air layers and an example of calculating the drying of
moisture which was generated during the execution of the building component.
On the basis of the aforementioned documentation, we have devised a programme and
named it PIDVP. The programme enables the calculation of water vapour diffusion as well as
an assessment for the risk of mould growth and condensation formation on the surface and
inside the building component. We have also included calculations for determining internal
temperature and air humidity. The tool does not include the possibility to make calculations
for a construction which contains air layers and calculations to determine the drying time of
moisture which was generated during the construction.
All examples of calculations from the SIST EN ISO 13788:2002 standard have been
recalculated with the help of this programme. Two additional examples (for the roof and wall)
were calculated with the help of the devised programme and KI Energija 2014 programme.
The comparison of calculations is shown in the tables which particularly display the
compliance of the results. It has been determined that there were only negligible deviations
when comparing the results. There were bigger deviations only in the additional example for
the wall when calculating the level of condensation in April if we compare the results of the
newly devised programme (which foresees the condensation formation in one of the planes)
and the results from KI Energija 2014 programme (which foresees the drying of the
condensed water vapour in the same plane). On the basis of the calculation comparisons
analysis, it can be concluded that the newly developed programme works correctly.
According to the described analysis we can conclude that the deviations in the month of April
were only due to a different method of condensation level calculation. |
Secondary keywords: |
graduation thesis;condensation;diffusion;mould;humidity;construction objects;calculations;planning; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo |
Pages: |
XVIII, 72 str., 2 pril. |
ID: |
9077832 |