zaključna seminarska naloga, diplomsko delo
Timotej Trček (Author), Jernej Zupančič (Mentor), Namita Subiotto (Mentor)


Spor o imenu se nanaša na grško nasprotovanje makedonski uporabi imena Republika Makedonija, saj naj bi bilo ime grškega izvora in kot tak del grške kulturne lastnine ter naj bi izražalo pretenzije Makedonije po grškem ozemlju. Je posledica več kot stoletje in pol trenj med obema vpletenima stranema, v današnji obliki pa traja od razglasitve makedonske neodvisnosti in zaradi njega Grčija Makedoniji postavlja številne gospodarske in politične ovire, Makedonija pa grškim pritiskom ne popušča in z nekaterimi dejanji celo poglablja spor. Vpleteni strani ga rešujeta bilateralno ali pod vodstvom mednarodne skupnosti, nekateri segmenti spora pa so se reševali celo na sodišču. Pogajanja potekajo že dve desetletji, zaznamujejo pa jih manjši napredki in nazadovanja. Pogosto se dogaja, da Grčija sporazumov ne spoštuje in Makedonijo ovira, kar je v nasprotju z dogovori med državama, mednarodna skupnost pa kljub temu nanjo ne vrši nobenega pritiska, saj je Grčija očitno preveč pomemben dejavnik v mednarodni diplomaciji. Po drugi strani pa Makedonija kljub precej manj pomembnem položaju v mednarodni skupnosti stanje poslabšuje s poudarjanjem elementov svoje identitete, katere si lasti tudi Grčija in so torej točke spora med državama. Namen naloge je predstaviti ozadje spora, njegove vzroke, posledice in poskuse reševanja.


zaključne seminarske naloge;geografske diplome;politična geografija;grško-makedonski spor;Grčija;Makedonija;makedonščina;onomastika;bolonjske diplome;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [T. Trček]
UDC: 91:32(495+497.7)
COBISS: 55331938 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1184
Downloads: 356
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The dispute on the name refers to Greece's contradiction to Macedonia's use of the name Republic of Macedonia, because the name is supposed to be of a Greek origin and as such a part of Greek cultural heritage. The name is supposed to make Macedonian pretension to a Greek land. It is a consequence of a more than a centenary and a half long tensions between both respective parties. In today's shape it started at Macedonian's declaration of independence and because of this dispute Greece makes numerous economic and political blocades to Macedonia, but Macedonia insists and with some actions even makes the dispute worse. Both respective parties try to solve the dispute bilaterally or under guidance of international community, some segments of dispute were even brought to court. The negotiations have been in prospect for two decades with some advancements and some regressions.It often happens that Greece does not respect agreements and blocks Macedonia, which is contrary to the agreements between the two countries and the international community, however, it has been exerting any pressure, because Greece is obviously more significant factor in international diplomacy. On the other hand, Macedonia, despite much less important position in the international community, is worseningthe situation by emphasizing elements of their identity, which are also owned by Greece and are therefore points of dispute between the two countries. The purpose of this diploma work has been to introduce the background of the dispute, the reasons, the consequences and the attempts to solve it.
Secondary keywords: political geography;Greek-Macedonian dispute;Greece;Macedonia;Macedonian langauge;onomastics;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za geografijo, Oddelek za slavistiko
Pages: 58 str.
ID: 9078180
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