magistrsko delo
Saša Voler (Author), Tomaž Svete (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo vsebuje oris življenja Arnolda Schönberga in njegovega glasbenega opusa. Arnolda Schönberga spoznamo kot učenca in kot učitelja, spoznamo ga kot abstraktnega človeka, ki se bojuje s triskaidekafobijo, ki ima velik vpliv na njegova dela. V magistrskem delu je tudi razlaga Schönbergovih odnosov s skladatelji njegovega kroga, ki so nanj tako ali drugače vplivali, hkrati pa spoznamo, da se je Schönberg posvečal tudi slikarstvu. V začetnem opisu glasbe 20. stoletja spoznamo obdobje, v katerem je Arnold Schönberg deloval, in glavne značilnosti te glasbe (ekspresionizem, atonalnost, dvanajsttonska tehnika). V enem izmed poglavij je podan kronološki pregled vseh njegovih del, nekatera dela so na kratko opisana, predstavljene pa so tudi značilnosti teh del. Uporabljena metodologija v magistrskem delu temelji na teoretičnih metodah. Te metode so: deskriptivna metoda, metoda analize in sinteze, zgodovinska metoda, metoda abstrakcije in konkretizacije, komparativna metoda in metoda klasifikacije. V zadnjem delu magistrskega dela je opravljena natančna oblikoslovna analiza njegovega dela Klavirske suite opus 25. Spoznamo kratek zgodovinski oris tega dela in pa zanimivo povezavo te suite s francoskimi in angleškimi baročnimi suitami. V zadnjem poglavju so podani rezultati raziskovalnega dela magistrskega dela. Na kratko se lahko seznanimo z rezultati analize Klavirske suite opus 25 in pa s povezavo te analize z njegovim življenjem, z njegovo fobijo in z njegovimi ustvarjalnimi obdobji (poznoromantično, atonalno in dvanajsttonsko obdobje).


glasba;;ekspresionizem;dvanajsttonska metoda;Klavirska suita Opus 25;triskaidekafobija;magistrska dela;Schönberg;Arnold;1874-1951;Zemlinsky;Alexander von;1871-1942;Kandinskij;Vasilij Vasilʹevič;1866-1944;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Voler]
UDC: 78.071.1Schönberg A.:780.8(043.2)
COBISS: 21850376 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1088
Downloads: 119
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of Suite for Piano, Op.25, Arnold Schőnberg
Secondary abstract: Master's thesis contains a description of Arnold Schoenberg's life and his musical opus. We recognise Arnold Schönberg as a student, as a teacher, and as an abstract man, who fights with triskaidekaphobia, which majorly influenced his work. The thesis also reveals Schoenberg's relations with composers of his circle who have in one way or another affected his life and work, as well as his life as a painter. In the initial description of the 20th century music we get acquainted with the period in which Arnold Schönberg worked, and its main music characteristics (expressionism, atonality, twelve-tone technique). In one of the chapters there is a chronological review of all his works, and a brief description and presentation of some of these works. The methodology used in this thesis is based on different theoretical methods: the descriptive method, analysis and synthesis, historical method, abstraction and concretization method, comparative method and the method of classification. The last part of the master's thesis is based on the detailed morphological analysis of his work Piano suite opus 25. We get acquainted with the brief historical outline of the work and with an interesting link of this suite with the French and English baroque suites. The last chapter presents the results of the research thesis. We learn about the results of the Piano suite opus 25 analysis, and the link between this analysis, his life, his phobia and his creative period (late-Romantic, atonal and twelve-tone period).
Secondary keywords: music;20th century;expressionism;twelwe-tone method;Suite for Piano op. 25;triskaidekaphobia;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za glasbeno pedagogiko
Pages: 68 f., XXI f. pril.
ID: 9078234
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