magistrsko delo Management informacijskih sistemov, Kakovost in varnost informacijskih sistemov
Andrej Vovk (Author), Robert Leskovar (Mentor)


Industrija pametnih mobilnih naprav je zadnje čase ena najbolj rastočih industrij na svetu. Ogromni potencial, ki ga ima mobilna tehnologija, bo za uporabnike najbolj vidna sprememba v načinu uporabe njihove mobilne naprave. To ne bo več samo naprava za pogovarjanje in pisanje kratkih sporočil, ampak za mnoge celo edini računalnik, ki bo v stalni uporabi. Mobilna tehnologija omogoča hiter in varen dostop do poslovnih podatkov v zalednem informacijskem sistemu organizacije ter enostaven dostop do virov informacij in storitev na internetu. S širjenjem pametnih mobilnih naprav in drugih prenosnih tehnologij postajata zasebnost in varnost vse bolj pomembni področji raziskovanja, upravljanja in omejevanja. Ozaveščanje zaposlenih na področju uporabe mobilne tehnologije je ključnega pomena. Le dobro usposobljen in ozaveščen zaposleni lahko izpolni pričakovanja odgovorne uporabe mobilne naprave. Dinamičen razvoj tehnologije, zahteve uporabnikov, hitre spremembe na pravem področju in kompleksnost sistemov zahtevajo ustrezno znanje. Tehnološke rešitve za upravljanje mobilne tehnologije v organizaciji morajo zagotavljati zaupnost, integriteto in dostopnost vseh komponent informacijskega sistema in naprav, ki se vanj povezujejo. Pri celovitem upravljanju mobilne tehnologije mora organizacija gojiti kulturo zasebnosti, ki je opredeljena v notranjih pravilih in aktih organizacije.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [A. Vovk]
UDC: 004
COBISS: 7579155 Link will open in a new window
Views: 924
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Model of mobile devices and privacy with Mobile Iron
Secondary abstract: The industry of smart mobile devices is one of the fastest growing industries in today's world. The enormous potential of the mobile technology is likely to become the most visible change in the way the users deal with their mobile devices. It is no longer just a device for talking and writing short messages since for many it will soon become the only computer in constant use. Mobile technology enables fast and secure accesses to corporate data in the back-end of information systems and easy accesses to information resources and services on the Internet. With the proliferation of smart mobile devices and other portable technologies, privacy and security are becoming increasingly important areas of research, management and mitigation. Raising the awareness of employees in the use of mobile technology is crucial. Only the well-trained and informed employees can fulfill expectations of a responsible use of mobile devices. The dynamic development of technology, user requirements, rapid changes in laws and the complexity of systems require appropriate knowledge. Technological solutions for the management of mobile technology in the organization must ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all information system components and devices that connect to it. For an integrated management of mobile technology the organization must cultivate a culture of privacy, defined in the internal rules and acts of the organization itself.
Secondary keywords: mobility;safety;privacy;education;management;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 79 f.
ID: 9078306
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