diplomsko delo
Irena Cestnik (Author), Metoda Kemperl (Mentor), Tonka Tacol (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu sem se posvetila proučevanju secesijske arhitekture, ki je v Ljubljani ena najbolj prepoznavnih. Odlikujejo jo bogato okrašene fasade in ji dajejo prav poseben značaj. Nad polno ornamentiko se navdušujejo tudi današnji prebivalci mesta, naključni obiskovalci in turisti. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge se najprej seznanimo z razvojem arhitekture v devetnajstem stoletju v avstrijskem prostoru in njenim vplivom na arhitekturo pri nas. Predstavljene so tedanje družbene razmere na Slovenskem in njihov vpliv na secesijsko arhitekturo. V tem sklopu sta zajeta tudi opis in vloga Ivana Hribarja pri oblikovanju secesijske Ljubljane, z največjim poudarkom na čas njegovega županovanja, ki je prikazano skozi pregled poglavitnih pridobitev Ljubljane v tem obdobju. V nadaljevanju je predstavljenih nekaj pomembnih arhitektov, ki so ustvarjali v tem prelomnem času, in njihovih pomembnih del v secesijski Ljubljani. Posebej je izpostavljena arhitekturna ornamentika, ki sem jo vgradila kot motiv v kiparsko nalogo pri oblikovanju reliefa v učnem procesu likovnega snovanja. Praktični del diplomskega dela je sestavljen iz analize ur, izvedenih na osnovni šoli pri predmetu likovno snovanje. Z učenci 9. razreda sem izvedla oblikovanje reliefa z motivom secesijskega ornamenta. Nastala likovna dela so bila osnova za analizo, ki je pokazala, če so učenci razumeli secesijski ornament in posebnosti oblikovanja reliefa.


19./20. stoletje;Ivan Hribar;Maks Fabiani;Ciril Metod Koch;Ivan Vurnik;ornament;relief;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [I. Cestnik]
UDC: 72:7.035.93(497.451.1)(043.2)
COBISS: 10822217 Link will open in a new window
Views: 714
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Secession architecture in Ljubljana
Secondary abstract: In my thesis I have focused on studying the Secession architecture movement of architecture in Ljubljana, which is one of the most recognisable architectural styles in which richly decorated facades give it special character. Even today the full ornamental style is admired among townsfolk, visitors and tourists alike. In the theoretical part of my thesis we are first introduced to the development of architecture in the 19th century in Austria and its influence on Slovene architecture. We explore the social circumstances in Slovenia and the architectural consequences of them. In this part we also have the summary and role Ivan Hribar had in shaping the Secession Ljubljana, with the greatest emphasis on his time as mayor. Later on we are introduced to some of the more important architects of the time and their works in Secession Ljubljana. There is a special emphasis on architectural ornaments, which i made the center of my sculpting assigment in arts learnig process class. The practial part of the thesis is comprised of class analysis, done in primary school in arts formation class. The students assigment for 9th grade was comprised of shaping a relief mould in the Secession. The finished art projects were the basis of analysis, of the students understanding the Secession ornaments and the demands of relief creation.
Secondary keywords: architecture;history of art;Slovenia;arhitektura;umetnostna zgodovina;Slovenija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Pages: 62 str.
ID: 9078423
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