diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Blaž Šircelj (Author), Sabina Zgaga (Mentor)


Današnji hitri razvoj tehnologije odpira kriminalnim oziroma hudodelskim združbam vedno nove možnosti za dogovarjanje o izpeljavi kaznivih dejanj, zato morajo imeti pristojni organi za odkrivanje in preiskovanje zahtevnih in hudih kaznivih dejanj na voljo učinkovite preiskovalne ukrepe. Po trenutno veljavni ureditvi oziroma s t. i. klasičnimi metodami preiskovanja po 148. členu Zakona o kazenskem postopku (ZKP, 2014) policija ne more vedno pridobiti telefonskih številk, s katerimi komunicirajo člani hudodelskih združb in posledično tudi ne prestrezati teh komunikacij z uveljavljenimi prikritimi preiskovalnimi ukrepi po 150. členu ZKP (2014). Zakon namreč za pridobivanje podatkov o prometu v elektronskem komunikacijskem omrežju v 149.b členu določa nekatere pogoje. Obstajati morajo razlogi za sum kaznivega dejanja, ki se preganja po uradni dolžnosti, pridobitev podatkov pa odredi preiskovalni sodnik na obrazložen predlog državnega tožilca oziroma pisno zahtevo policije. Predlog zakona o spremembah in dopolnitvah zakona o kazenskem postopku — M (2014) (v nadaljevanju predlog ZKP-M) z novima 150.a in 150.b členom ZKP pa je predvidel pravno podlago za odreditev in uporabo tako imenovanega IMSI lovilca (angl. IMSI catcher). Organi pregona storilcev kaznivih dejanj bi s tem imeli na voljo tehnično sredstvo za ugotavljanje podatkov za razpoznavo številke komunikacijskega sredstva in številk za elektronsko komuniciranje za namen priprave ukrepa iz prvega odstavka 149.b člena ali ukrepa iz 1. točke prvega odstavka 150. člena ZKP (2014) oziroma za ugotavljanje lokacije komunikacijskega sredstva. Na ta način je predlagatelj novele izrecno omejil sam obseg uporabe IMSI lovilca. Tehnična narava naprave pa naj kljub temu ne bi omogočala, da se oseb, ki niso preiskovane, ne zabeleži, s čimer se odpre možnost zlorab. A predlagatelj nove ureditve je predvidel številne varovalke, ki občutno zmanjšajo tveganja zlorab podatkov in podrobno urejajo uporabo naprave. Nekatere države odkrito priznavajo sodobne forenzične metode, med katere sodi tudi IMSI lovilec, a je uporaba tega natančno urejena le v redkih. Slovenija bi se s sprejemom novele zakona pridružila skupini evropskih držav, ki odkrito uporabljajo IMSI lovilec in imajo to področje urejeno v kazenski procesni zakonodaji, kot na primer Nemčija.


kazensko pravo;kazenski postopek;prikriti preiskovalni ukrepi;lovilec IMSI;pravni temelji;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: B. Šircelj]
UDC: 343.1(043.2)
COBISS: 3064554 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1958
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The rapid development of technology today opens up new possibilities for criminal organizations to make arrangements to commit criminal offenses, therefore the competent authorities for the detection and the investigation of complex and serious crimes must have effective investigative measures at their disposal. In accordance with the current legislation, or with the use of the so-called traditional methods of investigation under the Article 148 of the Criminal Procedure Act (2014), the police cannot always obtain telephone numbers used for the communication between the members of criminal organizations, and it consequently cannot intercept these communications with the established undercover measures under the Article 150 of the Criminal Procedure Act. In the Article 149 b, the law stipulates certain conditions for obtaining traffic data in an electronic communication network. There must be reasonable grounds for suspecting an offense that is prosecuted ex officio, and the obtainment of data is ordered by the investigating judge at the reasoned proposal of the state prosecutor, or at the written request of the police. Proposal of the Act amending the Criminal Procedure Act M (2014) (hereinafter the ZKP-M proposal) provided the legal basis for the imposition and the use of the so-called IMSI-catcher with the new 150 a and b of the Article 150 of the Criminal Procedure Act. This way, the law enforcement authorities would have at their disposal the technical means for identifying data, especially for the identification of the communication device number and the numbers of the electronic communication for the purpose of preparing the measure referred to in the first paragraph of the Article 149 b, or the measure referred to in point 1 of paragraph 1 of the Article 150 of the Criminal Procedure Act (2014), or for detecting the location of the communication device. This way the proposed amendment explicitly limited the scope of use of the IMSI catcher. However, the technical nature of the device cannot make it possible that persons who are not under investigation are not recorded, thereby it is opening the possibility of fraud. A proposer of the new regime has provided a number of safeguards to significantly reduce the risk of abuse of information and which in govern the use of the device in detail. Some countries openly acknowledge modern forensic methods, which also include the IMSI catcher, but the use of the latter is precisely regulated only in a few countries. By adopting the amendment Slovenia would join the group of European countries, which openly acknowledge the use of IMSI catcher and have regulated this field in their criminal procedure legislation, namely Germany.
Secondary keywords: IMSI catcher;undercover measures;Criminal Procedure Act;privacy;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 49 str.
ID: 9079107
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