magistrsko delo na študijskem programu 2. stopnje UM
Katja Kotnik (Author), Andrej Tibaut (Mentor), Igor Vrečko (Mentor), Brankica Kropf (Co-mentor)


Magistrsko delo obsega nadgradnjo raziskovalnega projekta »jaBIM – Raziskava, razvoj in implementacija BIM-a za digitalno gradnjo javnih objektov«, pri katerem je bil izveden eksperimentalni razvoj na področju BIM-a za gradnjo javnih objektov, in sicer na primeru objekta Razgledni stolp Lendava. V magistrskem delu smo raziskali, analizirali in uporabili konceptualni in podatkovni model BuildingSmart IFC4 (IFC2x4), pri čemer smo se osredotočili na področje terminskega planiranja in specifikacijo konceptov za poddomeno gradbeni management. V praktičnem delu smo izdelali podroben terminski plan z resursi za objekt Razgledni stolp Lendava in ga povezali z BIM 3D-modelom, kot rezultat je sledil BIM 4D-model. Nato smo BIM-modelu dodali še stroškovno dimenzijo in s tem ustvarili BIM 5D-model. Oba BIM-modela smo izdelali v programu Navisworks Manage 2015, kamor smo uvozili BIM 3D-modele v podatkovnem modelu IFC4. Sklop aktivnosti terminskega plana smo uporabili za določitev podmnožice elementov modela IFC4, za proces terminskega planiranja. V ekonomskem delu magistrskega dela smo opisali, kako implementirati BIM v podjetja in kako vpliva uvajanje nove tehnologije na podjetje ter na zaposlene v njem. Za praktični primer smo izbrali samostojnega podjetnika, ki se z BIM-pristopom ukvarja že nekaj let. Na podlagi razgovora, ki smo ga opravili z njim, smo zapisali, kako je vpeljava BIM-a vplivala na delovanje konkretnega podjetja in kako na samega zaposlenega.


IFC;IFC4;BIM;BIM 4D-model;BIM 5D-model;terminski plan;implementacija;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [K. Kotnik]
UDC: 004.9:69.05(043.2)
COBISS: 19562262 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1847
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: IFC-driven approach to modelling 4D and 5D BIM
Secondary abstract: Master’s thesis covers an upgrade of the research project “jaBIM – Research, Development and Implementation of BIM for digital construction of public buildings.” As a part of the project, an experimental development in the field of BIM for construction of public buildings was conducted. The experimental development was made for The Observational tower of Lendava building. In the thesis, we researched, analyzed and used conceptual data model BuildingSmart IFC4 (IFC2x4). Our key focus was the field of time scheduling and specification of concepts for construction management subdomain. In experimental part of the thesis, we constructed a detailed time schedule with information about resources for The Observational Tower of Lendava building. We connected it with BIM 3D model. The result of this was BIM 4D model. Moreover, we added expenses to the BIM model and with that we created BIM 5D model. Both BIM models were made in Navisworks Manage 2015 program in which we imported BIM 3D models in data model IFC4. For the process of time scheduling, activities from the time schedule were used to determine subset of IFC4 model elements. In the economic part of the thesis, we described how to implement BIM in companies. Moreover, we analyzed what effects does the new technology has on the company and their employees. We studied this in the case of an independent entrepreneur who has been using BIM approach for a few years. Based on the interview that we had conducted with the entrepreneur, we could wrote how implementation of BIM effected the company and the employees themselves.
Secondary keywords: IFC;IFC4;BIM;BIM 4D-model;BIM 5D-model;time schedule;implementation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Gospodarsko inženirstvo
Pages: VIII, 133 str.
ID: 9079290
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