[diplomsko delo]
Ivana Perhoč (Author), Franc Janžekovič (Mentor), Tina Klenovšek (Co-mentor), Boris Kryštufek (Co-mentor)


Tema diplomske naloge je bila morfometrična analiza spodnje čeljustnice pri treh vrstah podrodu Paralactaga iz rodu Allactaga. Podrod Paralactaga zajema tri vrste skakačev, A.williamsi, A.euphratica in izolirano populacijo A.caprimulga ter je dolgotrajni vir nesoglasja glede njihove taksonomije. Analizirali smo 365 vzorcev leve spodnje čeljustnice skakačev iz podrodu Paralactaga, iz različnih muzejskih zbirk. Naš namen je bil s pomočjo geometrijske morfometrije ugotoviti ali pri vrstah A.williamsi, A.euphratica in A.caprimulga obstajajo variabilnosti v mandibuli pri osebkih različnih spolov, preveriti medvrstno variabilnosti v mandibuli in opisati variabilnost ter poiskati morebitne razlike med geografskimi vzorci. Določili smo 15 oslonilnih točk ter pridobljene podatke uporabili v morfometrični analizi in analizi podatkov z uni- in multivariatnimi statističnimi metodami. Iz rezultatov analiz smo ugotovili, da med osebki različnih spolov ni signifikantnih razlik v velikosti in obliki, da torej ni izražen sekundarni spolni dimorfizem. Pri preverjanju morebitnih variabilnosti v velikosti in obliki mandibule med različnimi geografskimi vzorci (OTU), smo prišli do ugotovitve, da je vrsta A.euphratica variabilna v velikosti, predvsem je odstopal vzorec iz južne Turčije. Vrsta A.williamsi tudi izkazuje geografsko variabilnost v velikosti mandibule med posameznimi vzorci, največje so živali iz vzhodne Turčije. Mandibule vrste A.williamsi so največje, med vrstama A.caprimulga in A.euphratica pa ni razlike v velikosti mandibule. V obliki se tri vrste značilno razlikujejo.


diplomska dela;Allactaga;Paralactaga;A. williamsi;A. euphratica;A. caprimulga;spodnja čeljustnica;geometrijska morfometrija;sekundarni spolni dimorfizem;medvrstna variabilnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [I. Perhoč]
UDC: 599.323.3(043.2)
COBISS: 21824264 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1446
Downloads: 108
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Morphometric analysis of mandible of five-toed jerboas, genus Allactaga (Rodentia: Dipodidae
Secondary abstract: The theme of the thesis was the morphometric analysis of the mandible of the three species of the subgenus Paralactaga genus Allactaga. Subgenus Paralactaga includes three species of gerbils, A.williamsi, A.euphratica and the isolated population of A.caprimulga and is a long-term source of disagreements regarding their taxonomy. 365 mandible samples of gerbils subgenus Paralactaga were analysed taken from different museum collections. Using geometric morphometry the aim of the analysis was to determine whether species A.williamsi, A.euphratica and A.caprimulga display variabilities in mandible of different gender species, examine interspecies variability in mandible, describe variability and obtain possible differences between geographical samples. 15 basic points were determined and the collected data were used in morphometric analysis and data analysis using uni- and multivariants statistical methods. Analysis results revealed that gender difference does not contribute to significant size and form differencies therefore proving that secondary gender dimorphism is not expressed. Examination of possible size and form variabilities of mandible between different geographical samples (OTU) resulted in conclusion that species A.euphratica is variable in size, especially the sample from southern Turkey. The species A.williamsi exhibits also geographical variability in mandible size between individual samples, animals from eastern Turkey being the largest. Mandibles of species A.williamsi are the largest, species A.caprimulga and A.euphratica show no difference in mandible size. However, there are significant form differences between the three species.
Secondary keywords: theses;Allactaga;Paralactaga;A. williamsi;A. euphratica;A. caprimulga;mandible;geometric morphometry;secondary gender dimorphism;interspecies variability;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: VI, 57 f.
ID: 9079604