projektna naloga univerzitetnega študijskega programa 1. stopnje
Mateja Pavlović (Author), Janko J. Zadravec (Mentor)


Projektna naloga predstavlja idejno zasnovo prenove kompleksa Žičkega dvora v Mariboru. Prenova samega objekta bi potekala v skladu s Konzervatorskim programom Zavoda za kulturno dediščino Maribor, prenavljanje enega izmed zadnjih zaščitenih objektov kulturne dediščine, v kompleks za javno uporabo. Poleg prenove stavbe Žičkega dvora, naloga se ukvarja tudi z prenovo gospodarskega objekta na njegovi severni strani.Umestitev Kulturnega centra s svojo funkcijo, bi poenotilo funkcije okoliških stavb in ustanov, kot tudi vključitev v zvezi s prostorom in potrebami mesta in prebivalcev. Z analizo širšega območja, sem ugotovila, da ni podobnih prostorov, ki bi uspeli povezati tako kulturne in javne dejavnosti v enem samem prizorišču. Prvi del projekta predstavlja zgodovino in sedanjost Maribora, skupaj z analizo prostora ter stavb kulturne in arhitekturne dediščine, ki se nahajajo v bližini obravnavanega objekta, sledi analiza Žičkega dvora in referenc projektov, ki so v povezavi z obravnavanim. Nalogi sledi še idejna zasnova projekta prenove in oris rešitve.


arhitektura;prenova zgradb;Žički dvor;Maribor;kulturni center;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [M. Pavlović]
UDC: 72
COBISS: 21310998 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1178
Downloads: 154
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Renovation of the Zice palace in Maribor into a Cultural center
Secondary abstract: The project represents a concept of renovation of the complex Zice palace in Maribor. The renovation of the building itself would take place in accordance with the Conservation program of renovation granted by the Institute for Cultural Heritage Maribor, therefore renovating one of the last protected cultural heritage buildings into a complex for public use. Along with the renovation of the Zice palace, the project deals with the renovation of the outbuilding on it's north. Situating a Cultural Center with its functions will unify the functions of surrounding buildings and institutions into one space, as well as incorporating it in regards to the space and the needs of the city and it's inhabitants. By analyzing the wider area, we find that there is not a similar space which manages to fuse both cultural and public activities into one unique venue. The first part of the project presents the history and present of Maribor, as well as an analysis of cultural and architectural heritage near the building, following this is an analysis of Zice palace and references of projects with connection to the presented one. Following is the the conceptual design of the renovation project and the outline solution.
Secondary keywords: renovation;Zice palace;Maribor;cultural center;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Arhitektura
Pages: V, 35 f.
ID: 9079850
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