zaščita človekovih pravic v postopku pred Mednarodnim kazenskim sodiščem
Sabina Zgaga (Author)


Mednarodno kazensko pravo se je dolgo osredotočalo predvsem na zagotavljanje kazenske odgovornosti storilcev mednarodnih hudodelstev, a mora to zagotoviti tudi v okviru poštenega kazenskega postopka. V zvezi s tem se zastavlja vprašanje, ali za zagotavljanje zakonitosti postopka potrebujemo tudi zunanji nadzor. To je postalo relevantno predvsem z ustanovitvijo stalnega Mednarodnega kazenskega sodišča. Prispevek preverja hipotezo, da Rimski statut pozna ustaljene možnosti uveljavljanja pravic obdolženca, da pa bi bil kljub temu potreben zunanji nadzor. Na začetku obravnava obstoječe možnosti uveljavljanja oziroma sankcioniranja kršitev človekovih pravic v postopku pred MKS; preko vlaganja pravnih sredstev, kazenske, civilne ali odškodninske odgovornosti ali izločitve nedopustnih dokazov. Drugi del prispevka pa vsebuje razmislek o vključitvi MKS v obstoječe univerzalne, regionalne ali nacionalne nadzorne mehanizme.


Rimski statut;izločitev nedopustnih dokazov;pravice obdolženca;procesna kršitev;kazenska odgovornost;odškodninska odgovornost;imuniteta;človekove pravice;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
UDC: 341.4:341.645.2:342.7
COBISS: 14027089 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1854-3839
Views: 1335
Downloads: 645
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
Secondary abstract: International criminal law has been long focusing on providing criminal responsibility to perpetrators of international crimes and preventing their impunity, but it also has to provide fair trial at the same time. In connection to this an issue arises, whether the legality of the procedure has to be ensured by external supervision. That became especially relevant with the establishment of a permanent International Criminal Court (the ICC). This paper therefore tries to verify the hypothesis that the Rome Statute includes all the regular mechanisms for protection of the defendantʹs rights, but the external supervision is still required. The paper firstly discussed the existing possibility of protection of the defendantʹs rights in the ICC - means of invoking or sanctioning violations of these rights through legal remedies, criminal, civil and tort liability or inadmissibility of evidence. Second part of the paper includes thoughts on possibility of the ICC joining the existing universal, regional or national supervisory mechanisms.
Secondary keywords: Rome Statute;exclusion of inadmissible evidence;rights of the accused;procedural violation;criminal responsibility;tort liability;immunity;human rights;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 153-180, 192-193
Issue: ǂLetn. ǂ74
Chronology: 2014
ID: 9090178