
V prispevku predstavljamo vlogo, poslanstvo, kompetence, socialno inteligenco ter odgovornost učitelja za delo z nadarjenimi učenci in njihov vsestranski razvoj. Izpostavljamo predvsem profil učitelja nadarjenega učenca, ki s svojimi specifičnimi potrebami in lastnostmi ob sebi zahteva neodvisnega, odgovornega in vsestransko kompetentnega strokovnjaka. Toda učitelja ne predstavljamo z vidika pedagoške usposobljenosti oz. strokovnih kompetenc, ki naj bi jih imel pri poučevanju nadarjenih učencev, temveč z drugega vidika, ki ga v slovenskem prostoru velikokrat spregledamo, tj. z vidika njegovih osebnostno-socialnih lastnosti, ki so veliko bolj cenjene kot njegove intelektualne (Vialle, 1998). Ker sodobni tokovi in šolska prenova v učiteljevo vlogo prinašajo spremembe, jim moramo omogočiti nenehno izobraževanje. Zato smo s tehniko analize vsebin analizirali in ovrednotili programe stalnega strokovnega izpopolnjevanja za učitelje v osnovni šoli od leta 2010 dalje ter ugotovili, da obstajajo številne pomanjkljivosti na področju njihovega sistematičnega pedagoškega usposabljanja za delo z nadarjenimi učenci.


vzgoja in izobraževanje;nadarjenost;nadarjeni učenci;učitelji;kompetence;strokovna usposobljenost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.03 - Short Scientific Article
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
COBISS: 20459528 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1855-4431
Parent publication: Revija za elementarno izobraževanje
Views: 1113
Downloads: 155
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The state, teacher and work with gifted learnes
Secondary abstract: This paper describes the role, mission, competences, social intelligence and responsibility of the gifted and talented teacher in terms of working and developing gifted students. Emphasize particularly gifted student teacher profile, whose specific needs and characteristics demands an independent, responsible and generaly competent specialist. However, the teacher is not presented in terms of pedagogical skills or professional competences that are necessary in teaching gifted students, but from another perspective, by the Slovenian area often overlooked, ie. from his personal and social characteristics that are much more valuable than his intellectual (Vialle 1998). As modern school reforms has brought changes in the role of the teacher, we need to provide them ongoing continuing education.We have analysed and evaluated the content programs of permanent professional in-service training for teachers in primary school from year 2010 on and found many deficiences about their systematic teaching training in area of gifted and talented education.
Secondary keywords: education;teacher;gifted students;competences;social and emotional intelligence;in-service teacher training;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 83-97
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ7
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: apr. 2014
ID: 9091703