Jerneja Herzog (Author), Brigita Strnad (Author)


V prispevku predstavljamo teoretična izhodišča o dojemanju likovnega jezika pri slepih in slabovidnih. Osrednji del prispevka namenjamo predstavitvi rezultatov raziskave študije primera, v kateri smo preizkušali različne metode pri delu s slepimi in slabovidnimi osebami pri dojemanju abstraktne in figuralne umetnosti skozi njihovo lastno aktivnost. Ker so slepe in slabovidne osebe vse bolj vpete v običajno življenje, slepi in slabovidni otroci pa tudi vključeni v izobraževalne sisteme tako v šolah kot v muzejih, se nam zdi zelo pomembno, da se zavedamo pomembnosti izbiranja ustreznih metod pri približevanju likovnega sveta tej skupini.


likovna umetnost;slepota;metode dela;muzejska pedagogika;ne zaključna dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.03 - Short Scientific Article
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
UDC: 376-056.262:73/76
COBISS: 21162504 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1855-4431
Parent publication: Revija za elementarno izobraževanje
Views: 2248
Downloads: 151
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂproactivity of the blind and partially sighted in comprehending abstract and figurative art
Secondary abstract: In the paper we present the theoretical starting points about comprehending the language of art in the blind and partially sighted. The central part of the article is dedicated to the presentation of the outcomes of a case study, in which different methods of working with the blind and partially sighted in comprehending abstract and figurative art through their own activity were tested. As blind and partially sighted persons have increasingly been involved in usual life and blind and partially sighted children also get included in the education systems both in schools and in museums, we have found it important to be aware of the importance of selecting appropriate methods of bringing the world of art closer to this group.
Secondary keywords: fine arts;blindness;methods of work;museum pedagogy;Likovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;Slepi in slabovidni;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 75-88
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ7
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ3/4
Chronology: dec. 2014
ID: 9095790
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