Tatjana Rakar (Author), Ružica Boškić (Author), Metka Kuhar (Author)


Družinski centri kot oblika programov pomoči družini sodijo med pomembne ukrepe države blaginje pri spodbujanju družini prijaznega okolja za usklajevanje poklicnega in zasebnega življenja ter uresničevanju politike enakih možnosti. Obstoječi blaginjski sistemi, to so konservativno- korporativistični, socialno-demokratski, liberalni, katoliški in nekdanji državno-socialistični, temeljijo na različnih hierarhijah sfer (trg, država, civilna družba in skupnost), iz katerih posamezniki pridobivamo sredstva za zagotavljanje socialne varnosti in blaginje. Razlike v hierarhiji sfer vplivajo na različno stopnjo dekomodifikacije in defamiliarizacije v družbi. Zato se tudi značilnosti, razvoj in vloga družinskih centrov med sistemi blaginje razlikujejo. V članku na podlagi primerjalne analize osnovnih značilnosti družinskih centrov v izbranih državah pokažemo, da sistem blaginje in torej stopnja defamiliarizacije vplivata na prevladujočo smer razvoja družinskih centrov in na njihovo vlogo v posamezni državi.


Družina;Družinska politika;Država blaginje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: Fakulteta za socialno delo
UDC: 316.36:316.323.65
COBISS: 31367517 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0352-7956
Parent publication: Socialno delo
Views: 1301
Downloads: 252
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Family centres in different welfare systems
Secondary abstract: Family centres as a form of family help programmes are an important measure of the welfare state in the promotion of family friendly environment for the reconciliation of work and family life and for equal opportunities policies. Existing welfare systems, such as the conservative-corporatist, social-democratic, liberal, catholic and former state-socialist types are based on different hierarchies of spheres (such as the market, state, civil society and community) from which we obtain resources for social protection and welfare. The consequences of these differences in the hierarchies are the different levels of decommodification and defamiliarisation in society. As a consequence, the role of family centres also differs among different welfare systems. On the basis of comparative analysis of the characteristics of family centres in chosen countries the article shows that the welfare system and its defamiliarisation level have an important influence on the development and the role of family centres.
Secondary keywords: Family;Family policy;Welfare state;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 233-245, 283, 286
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ51
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ4
Chronology: jul.-avg. 2012
ID: 9096176
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