Sebastjan Bevc (Author), Robert Ekart (Author), Radovan Hojs (Author)


Glomerulna filtracija (GF) je najpomembnejši pokazatelj ledvične funkcije. Ocena GF je pomembna za obravnavo in spremljanje bolnika z ledvično boleznijo. V vsakdanji klinični praksi se za oceno GF najpogosteje uporabljata koncentracija serumskega kreatinina in očistek kreatinina, kot standardna referenčna metoda za določanje GF pa očistek radioizotopnega označevalca. V zadnjem času se kot eden novih označevalcev glomerulne filtracije pojavlja serumski cistatin C, inhibitor proteaz, ki v telesu nastaja stalno v vseh jedrnih celicah in se zaradi svoje majhnosti prosto filtrira v glomerulu. Za razliko od kreatinina koncentracija cistatina C ni odvisna od mišične mase, starosti, spola in načina ter vrste prehrane. Številne raziskave so potrdile, da je serumski cistatin C dober označevalec GF. V določenih populacijah bolnikov z ledvično boleznijo se je koncentracija serumskega cistatina C pokazala kot boljši pokazatelj GF od koncentracije serumskega kreatinina.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UM - University of Maribor
UDC: 616.61-008.6
COBISS: 2579007 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0025-8121
Parent publication: Medicinski razgledi
Views: 1673
Downloads: 54
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Serum cystatin C - a new marker of glomerular filtration rate
Secondary abstract: The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the main indicator of kidney function and GFR estimation is essential for the evaluation of patients with chronic kidney disease. In clinical practice, serum creatinine levels and creatinine clearance are the most commonly used markers to estimate GFR. The standard GFR estimation method is based on the clearance of a radionuclide-labelled marker. Recently, serum cystatin C has been proposed as a new endogenous GFR marker. This protease inhibitor with a low molecular weight is produced at a constant rate by all nucleated cells and is freely filtered across the glomerular membrane. Contrary to serum creatinine, serum cystatin C does not depend on muscle mass, sex, age or dietary protein intake. This study confirmed that serum cystatin C is a reliable marker of GFR. Serum cystatin C had a higher diagnostic accuracy than serum creatinine and also creatinine clearance in well-defined patients with chronic kidney disease.
Secondary keywords: Kidney Diseases;diagnosis;Ledvica, bolezni;Diagnostika;Glomerular Filtration Rate;Glomerularna filtracija, hitrost;Cystatins;Cistatini;Creatinine;Kreatinin;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 293-299
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ45
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ3
Chronology: 2006
ID: 9096581