This article examines (de)secularisation or (re)confessionalisation processes in Europe at the turn of the millennium (1990-2010). Specifically, it presents the course of these processes in Eastern and Central European countries after the systemic turning points. It leans on the theory of secularisation and on Inglehart's theory of postmodernism and its operationalisation built on the 'traditional-secular, rational' and 'materialist-postmaterialist' dimensions. The analysis (summarised and our own) corroborates that during the observed period secularisation is the predominant condition and trend in the religious field in European societies. It reveals the importance of the social context (religious-cultural characteristics, level of economic development, democratic/authoritarian system organisation, systemic turning points, gaining independence, and emergence of new states) for the course of secularisation or confessionalisation - in particular, how they are influenced by systemic upheavals in the religious field in European societies or countries. While the highly developed and democratic (modern) Scandinavian societies of a Protestant religious-cultural origin are the most highly secularised, in the less developed, formally democratic post-communist countries of an Orthodox religious-cultural origin systemic changes typically trigger religious ones: the revival of their ethnic-religious identity and head-on (superficial) reconfessionalisation.
Sodobna družba;Demokratizacija;Sekularizacija;Religije;Evropa;
Language: |
English |
Year of publishing: |
2013 |
Typology: |
1.01 - Original Scientific Article |
Organization: |
UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences |
UDC: |
2-184.3:316.422(4) |
0040-3598 |
Parent publication: |
Teorija in praksa
Views: |
214 |
Downloads: |
43 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
Slovenian |
Secondary abstract: |
Avtor v prispevku obravnava (de)sekularizacijske oz. (re)konfesionalizacijske procese v Evropi na prelomu tisočletja. Posebej prikaže potek teh procesov v vzhodno- in srednjeevropskih državah po sistemskih obratih. Pri tem se opre na teorijo o sekularizaciji, na Inglehartovo teorijo o postmodernizmu in njegovo operacionalizacijo, zgrajeno na dimenziji 'tradicionalno-sekularno, racionalno' in 'materialno-postmaterialno'. Analiza (povzeta in lastna) potrdi, da sekularizacija označuje prevladujoče stanje in trend v religijskem polju evropskih družb na prehodu v novo tisočletje. Pokaže na pomen družbenega konteksta (religijsko-kulturni izvor, stopnja ekonomske razvitosti, demokratična avtoritarna narava sistema, sistemski obrati, osamosvajanje in nastajanje novih držav) na potek sekularizacije oz. konfesionalizacije in še posebej na vpliv sistemskih obratov na spremembe v religijskem polju evropskih družb oz. držav. Najbolj sekularizirane so visoko razvite in demokratične (moderne) skandinavske družbe protestantskega religijsko-kulturnega izvora; za manj razvite, formalno demokratične postkomunistične države ortodoksnega religijsko-kulturnega izvora pa je značilno, da sistemski obrati v njih sprožajo religijske obrate: oživljanje etnično-religijske identitete in frontalno rekonfesionalizacijo. |
Secondary keywords: |
Modern society;Democratization;Secularization;Religions;Europe; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Not categorized |
Pages: |
str. 172-204, 263-264 |
Volume: |
ǂLetn. ǂ50 |
Issue: |
ǂšt. ǂ1 |
Chronology: |
jan.-feb. 2013 |
ID: |
9101551 |