Marko Jesenšek (Author)


V razpravi so predstavljene jezikovne značilnosti humorja v povesti Tadej pl. Spobijan - Prežihov Voranc v njej duhovito in šaljivo prikazuje srečanje meščanskih deklasirancev in ljudi iz različnih družbenih slojev in dokazuje, da ima smisel za humor, čeprav ga ne moremo označiti za humorističnega pisatelja. Humornost se kaže v zelo dobri jezikovni in slogovni ilustraciji socialnih razmer, v katerih se znajdejo posamezniki, jezikovno pa se to dopolnjuje z ljudskim izražanjem in metaforiko, besedami v prenesenem pomenu, zanimivimi besednimi igrami ter domislicami, poosebitvami in preimenovanji. Humornost je v njegovi kratki pripovedi skrita v naturalističnem, ekspresionističnem ali realističnem pripovedovanju, opisih ali kratkih dialogih, v katerih se humor prepleta z ironijo in satiro ter se lahko zaključi tudi v grotesknih podobah in spačenih občutjih.


slovenska književnost;kratka pripoved;metaforika;jezikovne značilnosti;slogovne značilnosti;humor;satira;ironija;groteska;Prežihov;Voranc;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 81'373.612.2:821.163.6-341.09Prežihov V.
COBISS: 18430984 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0021-6933
Views: 1781
Downloads: 48
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The discussion presents the linguistic characteristics of humour in the story Tadej pl. Spobijan. In it Prežihov Voranc presents a witty and humorous account of a meeting between middle class social outcasts and people from various social strata, thus demonstrating that he has a sense of humour despite the fact that we are not able to label him as a humorist writer. The humour is evident in the superb linguistic and stylistic illustration of the social conditions in which the individuals find themselves, while this is linguistically supplemented with folk expression and metaphor, words with figurative meaning and interesting word games, as well as with witty remarks, personifications and renaming. In his short story humour is concealed in naturalist, expressionist and realist narrative, in descriptions or short dialogues in which humour interweaves with irony and satire, sometimes concluding in grotesque images and misshapen emotions.
Secondary keywords: Slovene literature;short story;metaphor;linguistic characteristics;stylistic characteristics;humour;satire;irony;grotesque;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 111-121
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ55
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ3/4
Chronology: 2010
ID: 9103050
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