Ludvik Puklavec (Author)


Izhodišča. Prispevek prikazuje pregled nuklearnomedicinskih diagnostičnih postopkov, ki jih izvajamo v Splošni bolnišnici Maribor na področju bolezni prebavil. Namen je predstaviti diagnostične možnosti nuklearne medicine pri bolnikih z boleznimi prebavil ob drugih slikovnih diagnostičnih metodah in oceniti uspešnost posamezne scintigrafske preiskave s stališča indikacij in napovedne vrednosti preiskave (občutljivost, specifičnost). Zaključki. Pogosto so klinični znaki bolezni prebavil neznačilni ali nepopolno izraženi, zato je poleg pregleda bolnika in laboratorijskih testov potrebno vključiti v diagnostični postopek tudi slikovne preiskave. Poleg ultrazvočnih, rentgenskih in magnetnoresonančnih preiskav se je večkrat potrebno odločiti tudi za scintigrafijo, ki v kombinaciji z drugimi preiskavami lahko razreši diagnostična vprašanja. Nuklearnomedicinske preiskave so v zadnjem desetletju pridobile poseben pomen z razvojem pozitronske emisijske tomografije (PET) in novih radiofarmakov za označevanje specifičnih celičnih receptorjev.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.04 - Professional Article
Organization: UM - University of Maribor
UDC: 616.3-073
COBISS: 2495039 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-0347
Parent publication: Zdravniški vestnik
Views: 1149
Downloads: 31
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Scintigraphic gastroenterologic studies at the Maribor general hospital
Secondary abstract: Background. The paper presents a review of nuclear-medicine procedures that are performed at the Maribor General Hospital for the purpose gastroenterologic diagnostics. The aim of the paper is to present the possibilities of nuclear medicine in relation to other imaging modalities to help with diagnostic evaluation of gastroenterologic patients according to indications and predictive values (sensitivity, specificity) of particular investigation. Conclusions. Simptoms and signs of gastroenterologic diseases are often nonspecific, so beside the clinical examination of the patient and laboratory tests, there is often a requirement for imaging diagnostic precedures. In addition to ultrasound, X-ray and MRI, there is sometimes a need for nuclear medicine procedures that could help revealing the diagnostic problem. In the last decade special attention is paid to positron emission tomography (PET) and peptide receptor scintigraphy.
Secondary keywords: Radionuclide Imaging;Radionuklidno slikanje;Positron-Emission Tomography;Pozitronska emisijska tomografija;Radiopharmaceuticals;Radiofarmaki;Diagnostic Imaging;Slikovna diagnostika;Digestive System Diseases;Prebavni sistem, bolezni;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. II-37 - II-40
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ75
Issue: ǂsupl. ǂII
Chronology: 2006
ID: 9108421