Uroš Horvat (Author)


V letu 2011 mineva 50 let od ustanovitve Pedagoške akademije v Mariboru, katere ena od naslednic je tudi Filozofska fakulteta v Mariboru. V prispevku je prikazan razvoj Oddelka za geografijo in študija geografije v Mariboru, ki je v tem obdobju prešel skozi različna razvojna obdobja, tako v smislu organizacijskih oblik ter kadrovske zasedenosti, kot tudi glede na vrsto izvajanja izobraževalnih programov ter obsega znanstvenoraziskovalnega dela. Temeljno poslanstvo oddelka, to je izobraževanje kadrov za poučevanje geografije v osnovni in srednji šoli, se je izvajalo s pomočjo različnih študijskih programov. Leta 1985 je Pedagoška akademija prerasla v Pedagoško fakulteto in s tem dveletni višješolski študij geografije v štiriletni visokošolski študij, ki je bil od leta 1995 univerzitetni. Z ustanovitvijo Filozofske fakultete v Mariboru je leta 2006 Oddelek za geografijo postal del le-te, istočasno pa je prehod na nove študijske programe, ki so pripravljeni v skladu z Bolonjsko deklaracijo, prinesel vrsto novosti, pa tudi izzivov; tako za izvajalce kot študente.


geografija;študij geografije;visokošolski študij;Maribor;Slovenija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 378:91(091)(497.4Maribor)
COBISS: 18711304 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1854-665X
Parent publication: Revija za geografijo
Views: 1060
Downloads: 85
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Fifty years of the Department of Geography and the study of geography in Maribor
Secondary abstract: The year 2011 marks the 50th years from establishment of the Academy of Education in Maribor. One of its successors is also Faculty of Arts, where is conducted the study of geography. The paper discusses the development of the Department of Geography and the study of geography in Maribor, which in fifty years passed through the various developmental periods: in the terms of organization, courses, research and human resources. The basic mission of the department, (training of personnel for teaching geography in primary and secondary schools) was conducted through using a variety of courses. In 1985 the Academy changed to Faculty of Education. With the establishment of the Faculty of Arts in 2006 the Department of Geography became part of it. The transition to new study programs, which have been prepared in accordance with the Bologna declaration, brought a series of innovations, as well as challenges; both for teachers and students.
Secondary keywords: geography;study of geography;Maribor;Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 103-121
Volume: 6
Issue: ǂ[št.] ǂ1
Chronology: 2011
ID: 9108690