Tomaž Tollazzi (Author), Marko Renčelj (Author), Goran Jovanović (Author), Sašo Turnšek (Author)


V zadnjem času mnoge tuje prometnovarnostne analize kažejo na nizko raven prometne varnosti večpasovnih krožnih križišč. Predvsem so sporna prepletanja na krožnem vozišču oziroma menjave prometnih pasov, ki so nujno potrebne za uporabo vseh krožnih prometnih pasov, s čimer se doseže največja kapaciteta večpasovnega krožnega križišča. V svetu problem nizke ravni prometne varnosti v večpasovnih krožnih križiščih rešujejo na več načinov, kot najuspešnejši pa se je pokazal način z zmanjševanjem števila konfliktnih točk. Tip krožnega križišča, ki bistveno zmanjša število konfliktnih točk, je krožno križišče s spiralnim potekom krožnega vozišča oziroma t. i. turbokrožno križišče. Vendar ima tudi turbokrožno križišče svoje pomanjkljivosti. S stališča prometne varnosti so predvsem problematične konfliktne točke križanja, pri katerih so posledice prometnih nesreč največje. Prav tako je rekonstrukcija obstoječega dvopasovnega krožnega križišča v turbokrožno križišče finančno zahtevna - potreben je večji gradbeni poseg (rušenje, prestavitev cestnih robnikov, prestavitev ločilnih otokov, javne razsvetljave ipd.). V prispevku je predstavljen nov tip krožnega križišča. Gre za krožno križišče s pritisnjenimi pasovi za desno zavijanje. Ta tip krožnega križišča združuje pozitivne lastnosti običajnega dvopasovnega krožnega križišča in turbokrožnegakrižišča.


krožišče;turbokrožno križišče;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
UDC: 625.739
COBISS: 15084566 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0017-2774
Parent publication: Gradbeni vestnik
Views: 1358
Downloads: 75
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: New type of roundabout: roundabout with depressed lanes for right turning - "flower roundabout"
Secondary abstract: Recently, many of the foreign traffic-safety analyses have pointed out the low level of traffic safety in the multi-lane roundabouts. Weaving in the circulatory carriageway or changes of traffic lanes have been particularly at issue, however, they are essential for the exploitation of all circulatory traffic lanes, whereby the maximum capacity of the multi-lane roundabout can be achieved. The problem of low traffic safety in the multi-lane roundabouts is solved in various ways in different countries - however, the solution, whereby the number of conflict points is diminished had proven to be the most successful. The roundabout with the spiral course of the circulatory carriageway (or the turbo roundabout) is a type of roundabouts, which significantly diminishes the number of conflict points. However, the turbo roundabout also has its deficiencies. From traffic safety point of view, the turbo roundabout has conflict crossing points, where the consequences of traffic accidents are the worst. In addition, the reconstruction of existing two-lane roundabout to the turbo roundabout is financially demanding - we needlarger construction works to be done (demolition / displacement of the existing road curbs, transpose dividing islands and public lightning etc.). Inthis paper, we introduce a new type of roundabouts, the roundabout with "depressed" lanes for the right turning or so-called "the flower-roundabout." Financially speaking, the main advantage of the new type of the roundabout is its possibility to be implemented within the dimensions of the already existing "normal" two-lane roundabout. From the traffic-safety point of view, the main advantage of the new type of roundabout is that it has no crossing conflict points.
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 164-169
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ60
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ[6]
Chronology: jun. 2011
ID: 9109385