empirical findings on selected higher education institutions in Europe
Riko Novak (Author), Anja Slatinšek (Author), Gabrijel Devetak (Author)


This article explores the importance of motivating factors for the international mobility of undergraduate students who participated in a mobility programme and completed part of their studies at selected higher education institutions. The empirical research was conducted on a population of 3,539 mobile undergraduate students, who took part in mobility programmes between 2006 and 2011 at three selected higher education institutions in three different European countries (1 - Germany: Duale Hochschule Baden‑Württemberg Karlsruhe, 2 - Norway: University of Tromsø, 3 - Slovenia: University of Primorska, Faculty of Management). The purpose of this article is to present the underlying motivating factors in relation to the selected institution on a sample of 288 undergraduate students during the period studied. On the basis of these findings, we came to the conclusion that most of the students participated in students’ mobility programmes especially to gain international study and life experiences. Furthermore, we established a statistically significant difference in the duration of a mobility period in connection with gender and the satisfaction with the mobility programme.


international mobility;mobility motivating factors;higher education institution;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: Moderna organizacija
UDC: 378
COBISS: 7248915 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-5454
Parent publication: Organizacija
Views: 1149
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Pomen motivacijskih dejavnikov za mednarodno mobilnost študentov
Secondary abstract: Prispevek obravnava pomen motivacijskih dejavnikov za mednarodno mobilnost dodiplomskih študentov, ki so bili mobilno aktivni in so del svojih študijskih obveznosti opravljali na izbranih visokošolskih institucijah. Empirična raziskava je bila izvedena na populaciji 3.539 mobilnih dodiplomskih študentov na treh izbranih visokošolskih institucijah v treh različnih evropskih državah, ki so bili mobilni v letih od 2006 do 2011 (1 – Nemčija: Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe, 2 – Norveška: Univerza v Tromsu, 3 – Slovenija: Fakulteta za Management). Namen prispevka je na osnovi pridobljenega vzorca 288-ih mobilnih dodiplomskih študentov za preučevano obdobje prikazati osnovne motivacijske dejavnike glede na izbrano institucijo. Na osnovi empiričnih izsledkov je bilo ugotovljeno, da se je večina študentov na študijsko mobilnost odpravila predvsem zaradi pridobitve mednarodnih študijskih in življenjskih izkušenj. Prav tako pa obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v dolžini obdobja študentske mobilnosti glede na spol in zadovoljstva s programom mobilnosti.
Secondary keywords: mednarodna mobilnost;motivacijski dejavniki mobilnosti;visokošolska institucija;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 274-281
Volume: ǂVol. ǂ46
Issue: ǂno. ǂ6
Chronology: nov.-dec. 2013
DOI: 10.2478/orga-2013-0023
ID: 9111529
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