diplomsko delo
Irena Mrak Merhar (Author), Jože Rugelj (Mentor)


Pri delu na področju računalniških izobraževanj in računalniške podpore različnim programom v nevladni mladinski organizaciji Društvo mladinski ceh ter pri študiju računalništva na Pedagoški fakulteti in izvajanju pedagoške prakse sem se srečala tako s formalnim kot neformalnim izobraževanjem na področju računalništva. Pri izdelavi diplomskega dela sem se tako posvetila dopolnjevanju formalnega z neformalnim izobraževanjem ter pomanjkljivostim in prednostim pri obeh vrstah računalniškega izobraževanja. V prvem delu diplomskega dela sem pregledala učne načrte računalništva in informatike v osnovnih in srednjih šolah (splošne, klasične in strokovne gimnazije) ter vsebine računalniških izobraževanj Društva mladinski ceh. V drugem delu diplomskega dela sem primerjala metode poučevanja in druga didaktična načela pri izobraževanju v formalnem in neformalnem izobraževanju. V tretjem delu diplomskega dela pa sem računalniška znanja, ki jih zahteva trg delovne sile, primerjala s pridobljenimi računalniškimi znanji v okviru formalnega izobraževanja na področju računalništva. V zaključku diplomskega dela so podane ugotovitve in zaključki, ki izhajajo iz postavljenih tez diplomskega dela, in izzivi, ki jih vidim za področje računalništva v formalnem izobraževanju.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [I. Mrak Merhar]
UDC: 004:37(043.2)
COBISS: 10859081 Link will open in a new window
Views: 944
Downloads: 147
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Computer education in formal and non-formal education
Secondary abstract: During my work with the nongovermental youth organization Društvo mladinski ceh, the Computer studies at the Faculty of Education and working with my obligatory computer practice I've become acquainted with the formal and informal computer education. In my diploma I've asked myself how to improve both types of education, which are the weaknesses and the advantages with either computer education. In the first part of my diploma I studied all curricula for Computer science and Informatics for primary and secondary schools (public primary and grammar and other secondary schools) and the contents of the youth organization Društvo mladinski ceh. The second part of my diploma consists of the comparison of methods and other didactic tools in formal and/or informal education. In the third part I compared the skills that are demanded at the labour market with the skills acquirred in formal and/or informal education. At the end of my work I've tried to make some conclusions based on my diploma thesis that are the challenges for future work in formal computer education.
Secondary keywords: computer science;education;računalništvo;vzgoja in izobraževanje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Matematika in računalništvo
Pages: 74 str.
ID: 9115203