diplomsko delo
Andrej Lesar (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Razvoj interneta in z njim povezane nove tehnološke možnosti imajo velik vpliv v vseh gospodarskih panogah, kar velja tudi za turizem. Spletna stran hotela je ena izmed najpogostejših, a hkrati tudi najpomembnejših oblik prisotnosti samega hotela na spletu. Za uspešno poslovanje je potrebno internet poznati in ga razumeti kot komunikacijsko, distribucijsko in prodajno orodje. V diplomskem delu sem analiziral spletne strani petih mariborskih hotelov (Draš, City, Piramida, Betnava, Habakuk), jih med seboj primerjal iz vsebinskega, oblikovnega, grafičnega in tehnološkega vidika ter poskušal poiskati prednosti in pomanjkljivosti posameznih spletnih strani. Analiza je pokazala, da so poudarki vsebinske plati spletnih strani preučevanih hotelov na podajanju informacij o samem hotelu, njegovi dodatni ponudbi, kontaktnih informacijah in možnosti rezervacije. Spletne strani uporabnikom ponujajo prijetno izkušnjo, saj imajo dobro urejene, nedvoumne menije in so skladne celostni grafični podobi. Vse spletne strani so opremljene z dovolj slikovnega materiala, imajo dobro predstavitev ponudbe in objavljene kontakte, s pomočjo katerih lahko potencialni gostje stopijo v kontakt z osebjem hotela. Pomanjkanje vsebine opazimo pri povezavah na druge vsebine, vsebnosti obrazca za mnenje in iskalnega mehanizma. Nekaterih pomanjkljivosti se zavedajo tudi skrbniki preučevanih spletnih strani, saj so vsi izpostavili, da je spletno stran možno še nadgraditi. Zavedanje pomembnosti ne le spletne strani ampak tudi drugih aplikacij in možnosti, ki jih ponuja internet, je ključnega pomena za učinkovito marketinško komunikacijo z uporabniki.


internet;spletne strani;hotelirstvo;marketing;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Lesar]
UDC: 004.774:640.4
COBISS: 12252188 Link will open in a new window
Views: 904
Downloads: 132
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of the websites of five Maribor hotels
Secondary abstract: Internet development and related new technological possibilities have a huge impact in all sectors of the economy. This also applies to tourism. The web page of a hotel is one of the most common but also one of the most important forms of presence of the hotel on the internet. The internet has to be understood as a communication, distribution and sales tool for successful exploitation. I analyzed the websites of five Maribor hotels (Draš, City, Piramida, Betnava, Habakuk) and compared them to each other in four aspects: content, design, graphic and technology. I tried to find the strengths and weaknesses of individual websites. The analysis showed that the emphasis of the websites of the studied hotels is in delivering information about hotel, its facilities, contact information and booking tools. Websites offer users a pleasant experience because they have well-organized, clear menus and consistent corporate image. All sites are equpped with enough graphic material, have good offer presentation and have contacts published to help potential guests get in contact with the staff of the hotel. Lack of content was observed with links to other web pages, there were no form for customer feedback and no search engine. The web page trustees are well aware of some of the shortcomings as they all pointed out that the web page can still be upgraded. Awareness of the importance of not only web pages but also other applications and possibilities offered by the internet is crucial for effective communication with users.
Secondary keywords: Web page;hotel;content features;technological features;graphical features;design features.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 35 str.
ID: 9117830
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