psihične posledice


Diplomsko delo govori o talcih oziroma o psihičnih posledicah talcev. Tema poskuša opisati vse tipe posledic, ki se dotaknejo oseb, ki so doživele izkušnjo kot talci, prav tako se dotakne tudi posledic, ki jih ta izkušnja pusti na njihovih bližnjih. Posledic je veliko ter segajo vse od zdravstvenih, emotivnih, kognitivnih, vedenjskih, pa tudi pozitivnih. Med drugim se bomo dotaknili tudi odnosa med talcem in ugrabiteljem ter stockholmskega in londonskega sindroma. Ker tako travmatičen dogodek nedvomno pusti dolgoročne posledice, ki med drugim vplivajo na človekove medosebne odnose ter posledično na kvaliteto življenja, je tu seveda ključnega pomena psihološka pomoč pri razreševanju posledic oziroma travm, katerim so ti ljudje podvrženi. Ta sega od krizne intervencije na kraju dogodka, pa vse do dolgoročne psihoterapevtske pomoči tako žrtvam kot njihovim bližnjim in je opisana v tretjem delu diplomske naloge. V zadnjem delu bomo predstavili spoznanja intervjuja s strokovnjakom s področja kriznih situacij, ki bo z nami delil svoje izkušnje ter ugotovitve na tem področju v Sloveniji, nasvete, kako ravnati v primeru zajetja ter usmeritve za izvajanje čimbolj učinkovite strokovne pomoči talcem v prihodnosti.


talci;psihološke posledice;travme;posttravmatska stresna motnja;stockholmski sindrom;londonski sindrom;psihološka pomoč;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: P. Mozetič]
UDC: 159.96/.97:343.3/.7(043.2)
COBISS: 3076842 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1760
Downloads: 102
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Hostages: psychological consequences
Secondary abstract: The thesis talks about the hostages or the psychological consequences of the hostages. The theme tries to describe all types of consequences that touches people who have experienced being a hostage and also touches the consequences that this experience leaves to their families. The effects are many and range from medical, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, as well as positive. Among other things, we will touch the relationship between the kidnappers and the hostages and the Stockholm and London's syndrome. As such traumatic events without doubt leave long-term consequences that among other things affect human interpersonal relationships and consequently the quality of life, there is of course crucial psychological assistance in resolving the consequences and trauma that these people are subjected to. This ranges from crisis intervention at the venue all the way to long-term psychotherapeutic assistance to both victims and their loved ones and is described in the third part of the thesis. In the last part we will present insights of the interview with an expert in the field of crisis situations, who will share with us his experiences and findings in this field in Slovenia, advice how to act in case of capture and guidelines for the implementation of effective professional assistance to hostages in the future.
Secondary keywords: hostage;psychological consequences;posttraumatic stress disorder;Stockholm syndrome;professional help;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 46 str.
ID: 9118713
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