magistrsko delo
Tjaša Matjašič (Author), Janja Trček (Mentor), Franc Janžekovič (Co-mentor)


Ptiči so skupina živali, ki naseljuje najrazličnejše habitate in so razširjeni po vsem svetu. Zaradi sposobnosti letenja lahko premagujejo zelo velike razdalje. Ker so potencialni prenašalci patogenih mikroorganizmov, lahko le-te razširjajo po obsežnem geografskem območju. Mikrobiota v ptičjem črevesju, na njihovi koži in v dihalih, vpliva tudi na fiziološko stanje ptic. Informacije o njeni diverziteti so zato pomembne za preprečevanje širjenja patogenih mikroorganizmov, kot tudi za ohranjanje ogroženih vrst ptic. Ptičem smo vzeli brise na treh telesnih območjih: podperut, kloaka in sapišče. Ker je bil eden od ciljev naloge ugotavljanje prisotnosti bakterije Acinetobacter baumannii, smo vzorce nanesli na selektivno gojišče za osamitev te bakterije. Omenjena bakterija je znana povzročiteljica bolnišničnih okužb. V drugem pristopu smo njeno prisotnost ugotavljali neposredno s PCR-pomnoževanjem odseka gena blaOXA-51-like, ki je naravno prisoten v tej bakteriji. Bakterije A. baumannii v vzorčenih ptičih nismo identificirali z nobenim od obeh uporabljenih pristopov. Hkrati smo iz vzorcev, odvzetih iz sapišč, preiskali celokupno kultivabilno bakterijsko mikrobioto. Iz morfološko različnih bakterijskih kolonij smo s precepljanjem pridobili čiste kolonije in jih identificirali na osnovi preiskovanja nukleotidnega zaporedja gena za 16S rRNK. Od skupno 102 bakterijskih izolatov, ki smo jih osamili iz 15 različnih vrst ptic, smo identificirali 69 različnih vrst bakterij, ki so pripadale 22 različnim družinam in štirim različnim deblom. Od tega je 51 % izolatov pripadalo deblu Actinobacteria, 30 % Proteobacteria, 15 % Firmicutes in 4 % Bacteroidetes. Identificirali smo tudi tri potencialno nove vrste bakterij: Aeromicrobium sp. 9H-4, Agromyces sp. 63H-5 in Chryseobacterium sp. 60H-4. Ugotovili smo, da je sapišče ptičev ekološka niša z značilnimi okoljskimi bakterijami. Mikrobiota sapišč žužkojedih ptic je bila revnejša v smislu vrstne pestrosti in deleža zastopanosti posameznih vrst v primerjavi z vsejedimi pticami. Med identificiranimi bakterijami je bilo 13 vrst (18,8 %) oportunističnih za ljudi in sedem (10,1 %) za rastline.


ptiči;mikrobiota sapišč;prehrana;Acinetobacter baumannii;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [T. Matjašič]
UDC: 598.2:579(043.2)
COBISS: 21996040 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1168
Downloads: 132
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The microbiota from choanae of selected free living birds species
Secondary abstract: Free-living birds are scattered across the world. Because of their mobility (flying) they can conquer great distances and are therefore a potential risk factor when it comes to spreading of pathogenic microorganisms across wide geographical areas. Microbiota of gut, skin and respiratory tract are important for the birds% health. More detailed knowledge of these microbiomes would be important for prevention of spreading the pathogenic microorganisms and for preserving endangered bird species. We took samples from the area under the wing, from cloaca and choana. One of the goals of our research was isolation of the species Acinetobacter baumannii. First we used a selective medium to search for this well-known causative agent of hospital-acquired infections. We also tried to detect this bacterial species directly through PCR amplification of the naturally present gene blaOXA-51-like in A. baumannii. Neither of the mentioned methods yielded positive results. At the same time we investigated the total cultivable microbiota in samples taken from choana. From morphologically different bacterial colonies we obtained isolates and identified them based on their 16S rRNA gene sequences. From the total number of 102 bacterial isolates, isolated from 15 different bird species, we identified 69 different bacterial species, classified into 22 different families and four different phyla. They belonged to phylum Actinobacteria (51 %), Proteobacteria (30 %), Firmicutes (15 %) and Bacteroidetes (4 %). We also identified three potentially novel bacterial species: Aeromicrobium sp. 9H-4, Agromyces sp. 63H-5 and Chryseobacterium sp. 60H-4. We have found that bird%s choana is an ecological niche with typical environmental bacteria. The choanal microbiota of insectivores was poorer in terms of composition and species richness compared to omnivores. Thirteen (18.8 %) identified bacterial species are possibly opportunistic to humans and seven (10.1 %) to plants.
Secondary keywords: birds;choanal microbiota;diet;Acinetobacter baumannii;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: IX, 62 f.
ID: 9119158