magistrsko delo Organizacija in management kadrovskih in izobraževalnih sistemov
Vesna Šubelj (Author), Aleš Novak (Mentor)


V medijih pogosto zasledimo razmišljanje in postavljanje vprašanj o nezadostnem oziroma počasnem koriščenju evropskih sredstev v Republiki Sloveniji. Po skoraj že drugem zaključenem finančnem programskem obdobju odstotek počrpanega denarja iz bruseljske blagajne ne dosega višine željenega črpanja. Kaj predstavlja razlog slabega črpanja evropskih sredstev v Republiki Sloveniji? So to prezahtevna navodila? Predstavlja nezadostnost črpanja preobsežna administracija? Preobsežni zahtevani dokumenti? Ali Republika Slovenija sploh ima nezadostno črpanje? Pogoste razprave in iskanje rešitev za bolj učinkovito črpanje sredstev skozi celotna finančna obdobja so povod za pripravo magistrskega dela. Namen naloge je ugotoviti, kako učinkovito je bilo pridobivanje sredstev iz kohezijske politike v iztekajočem se finančnem programskem obdobju 20072013. Omenjena učinkovitost je obravnavana skupaj s sistemom spremljanja izvajanja, ki je nujno potrebno za izboljšave pri črpanju sredstev. Obe programski obdobji 20042006 in 20072013 sta odlična priprava na še bolj učinkovito in uspešno koriščenje evropskih sredstev v novem finančnem programskem obdobju 20142020. V uvodu je predstavljen zapleten sistem finančnega izvajanja evropske kohezijske politike v Republiki Sloveniji. Sledi predstavitev spremljanja izvajanja in učinkovitega črpanja sredstev po finančnih programskih obdobjih tako v Republiki Sloveniji, kot v Republiki Avstriji in Republiki Italiji. Nadaljujemo s pogledom na črpanje sredstev v novi finančni perspektivi 20142020, katere največja naloga je dvigniti raven črpanja v primerjavi z zaključenimi programskimi obdobji. Ob zaključku magistrske naloge preverimo predvidene razloge, ki bi lahko privedli do izboljšav pri izvajanju črpanja sredstev in spremljanju izvajanja. Prav tako obravnavamo možne rešitve iz evropske kohezijske politike. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov iz opravljene analize primerjave učinkovitosti črpanja sosednjih držav članic Evropske unije Republike Avstrije in Republike Italije ugotavljamo, da je v Republiki Sloveniji črpanje evropskih sredstev iz evropske kohezijske politike bolj uspešno kot v omenjenih sosednjih državah članicah. Kljub temu smo prepričani, da se lahko učinkovitost črpanja evropskih sredstev v Republiki Sloveniji še nadgradi s pospešitvijo izvajanja koriščenja sredstev in z upoštevanjem dobrih praks držav članic, ki so pri tem bolj uspešne. V letih 2014 in 2015 je Republika Slovenija počasna pri pripravi dokumentacije za zagon in izvajanje črpanja sredstev v finančnem programskem obdobju 20142020.


evropska kohezijska politika;učinkovitost spremljanja izvajanja in črpanja evropskih sredstev;finančno programsko obdobje 2014-2020;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [V. Šubelj]
UDC: 005
COBISS: 7527699 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2924
Downloads: 412
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The efficiency of the EU Cohesion policy funds absorbtion in Republic of Slovenia and the 2014–202O financial programming
Secondary abstract: In the media, there have been a lot of comments and debate on the inefficient or slow absorption and use of EU funds in the Republic of Slovenia. Close to the expiry of the second financial programming period the percentage of money drawn from the Brussels funds has not achieved the desired amount. What is the reason for poor absorption of EU funds in the Republic of Slovenia? Is it the instructions being too onerous? Is it the excessive bureaucracy? Is it the excessive documentation? Is it the funds absorption carried out by the Republic of Slovenia really that bad? These and similar questions arising out of the frequent debate, conversations and searching for solutions for more efficient absorption of the EU funds throughout the financial periods provided the platform for this thesis. The goal of the thesis is to establish the fund absorption efficiency in the 20072013 financial programming period that is coming to its end. The efficient absorption of EU cohesion policy funds is discussed together with its monitoring system which is also necessary in order to bring about possible changes and improvements of absorption of the funds. Previous two programming periods (20042006 and 20072013) are a valuable lesson for becoming more efficient in the EU funds absorption in the new 20142020 financial programming period. In the first part, the complex system of the European cohesion policy implemented in the Republic of Slovenia is presented. The thesis continues by describing the financial execution, its monitoring and the efficient European cohesion policy funds absorption according to the financial periods in the Republic of Slovenia and in two other EU Member States ‒ Republic of Austria and Republic of Italy. An overview that follows is of the funds absorption in the new 20142020 financial framework with its main goal of higher efficiency than in the terminated financial programming periods. In the concluding paragraphs of the thesis, the supposed reasons for the monitoring system improvements and consequently quicker EU cohesion policy funds absorption and suggested solutions are discussed. Based on data analysis regarding this issue in the Republic of Austria and in the Republic of Italy it can be ascertained that in the Republic of Slovenia, the European cohesion policy funds absorption is more successful than in these two neighbouring countries. Nevertheless, we believe that the European funds absorption and monitoring efficiency in the Republic of Slovenia can improve taking into consideration the simplifications and good practices of fund absorption in the financial programming periods and experience of Member States that are more successful in this area. In 2014 and 2015 the Republic of Slovenia is slow in providing relevant documentation for a start-up of the absorption of the funds in the 20142020 financial programming framework.
Secondary keywords: European cohesion policy;European funds monitoring- and absorption efficiency;2014-2020 financial programming period;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 84 f.
ID: 9119294