diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Aleksandra Turk (Author), Darko Goričanec (Mentor), Danijela Doberšek (Co-mentor)


V uvodnem delu so podana razmišljanja v smislu učinkovite rabe primarne energije naravnih virov in potrebe po naprednem tehnološkem razvoju postrojenj, s poudarkom na energetskih potrebah sveta danes in jutri. V kratkih obrisih so predstavljeni različni obnovljivi viri energije in njihov neizčrpen potencial, posebna gospodarnost izkoriščanja energije zraka. Opisan je razvoj toplotnih črpalk, njihova sestava, način delovanja in pomen grelnega števila. Na osnovi izračunov in analiz je dokazano, kako je mogoče s skrbnim načrtovanjem in upoštevanjem direktiv EU, o varčni rabi energije, znatno zmanjšati škodljive izpuste CO2, na osnovi ustrezne izbire debeline izolacije in energetskega postroja. V tem smislu je na primeru stanovanjske hiše izvedena ocena stroškov porabe lahkega kurilnega olja, če je v ogrevalni sistem vključen nizkotemperaturni kotel, oziroma električnega toka, če je vključena toplotna črpalka zrak / voda.


energetika;viri toplote;prenos energije;ogrevanje hiš;naprave za ogrevanje hiš;izolacija;toplotne izgube;stroškovna primerjava;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Turk]
UDC: 697.11+657.478(043.2)
COBISS: 19530262 Link will open in a new window
Views: 970
Downloads: 80
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Energy and Economic Assessment of the Residential Building Restoration
Secondary abstract: The introduction includes deliberations in respect of the effective use of a primary energy of natural sources and needs for an advanced technological development of the plants with an emphasis on the world's energetic requirements today and in future. Various renewable energy sources and their inexhaustible potentials and special economic exploitation of air energy are presented in brief outlines. They include the description of thermal pump development, their structure, type of operation and the meaning of coefficient of performance. Based on the calculations and analyses, it was established how it is possible to reduce hazardous CO2 emission by a careful planning and taking into consideration the EU Directives applicable to the efficient use of energy, based on adequate selection of insulation layer width and energy formation. In this respect, the assessment of light fuel oil use costs for the exemplary residential building was prepared, in case the heating system includes low-temperature boiler, or electric power circuit with the air / water heating pump switched on.
Secondary keywords: energy engineering;heat transmission;energy sources;building heating;heating devices;insulation;heat losses;cost comparison;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: IX, 41 str.
ID: 9119296
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