magistrsko delo
Nejc Satler (Author), Iztok Palčič (Mentor), Lidija Hauptman (Mentor)


Zaradi vsakodnevne vztrajne želje po zmanjševanju stroškov, so le-ti venomer problematika na službenih ali osebnih ravneh. Kalkulacije stroškov so tako zaželene na osebnem področju, pri podjetjih pa stroški predstavljajo zelo pomemben vidik strategije poslovanja v prihodnosti. GKN Driveline Slovenija d.o.o. je proizvodno podjetje avtomobilske industrije, ki za potrebe poslovanja kalkulira svoje stroške na mesečni, letni in desetletni ravni. Izdelki, ki so poglavitni razlog poslovanja, s katerimi v podjetju ustvarjamo dobiček, so namenjeni vgradnji v avtomobilski industriji. Zmanjševanje stroškov se zaradi želje po povečevanju poslovnega dobička obrestuje le z naložbami in investicijami, ki stremijo k bolj avtomatiziranim, varnim in ergonomično urejenim delovnim mestom in podjetju v celoti. Stroškovne nosilce torej predstavljajo vse opravljene storitve in proizvodi s katerimi so stroški povezani. Težnja k nenehnim spremembam na področju spreminjaja stroškov je zelo pomembna za rast in razvoj podjetja na lokalnem in svetovnem nivoju, zato je stroške potrebno obvladovati.


kalkulacije;stroški;podjetje;delovne operacije;delovna mesta;stalni stroški;variabilni stroški;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [N. Satler]
UDC: 330.526.33:336.051(043.2)
COBISS: 19431702 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1763
Downloads: 81
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Cost Calculations of machines and work operations in the company GKN Driveline Slovenija
Secondary abstract: On a daily basis, we have persistent desire to reduce costs, which are always a problem at work or on a personal level. Cost calculations are desirable in our personal life, but for companies the costs represent a very important aspect of business strategy for the future. GKN Driveline Slovenia Ltd. is a manufacturing company for the automobile industry. The company calculates its costs on a monthly, annual and ten-year basis for the needs of the business. The main reasons for the business to generate profits in the company are products that are intended to be built-in in the automotive industry. Cost reducing is profitable only due to the desire to increase business profits through investments that aim for more automatized, safe and ergonomically regulated workplaces and the company. Costs carriers represent all the services and products that are cost related. The tendency of constant changes in the field of costs is very important for the growth and the development of the company, based on a local and global level, because of this, it is necessary to control the costs.
Secondary keywords: calculations;costs;company;work operations;workplace;fixed costs;variable costs;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XI, 70 f., [52] f. pril.
ID: 9119466