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Sara Milošič (Author), Žan Oplotnik (Mentor)


Leta 2007 smo bili priča nastanku finančne krize, ki se je najprej pojavila v Ameriki in je kasneje zajela še preostanek sveta. Maja 2010 je krizo v evropskem sistemu sprožila dolžniška kriza Grčije. Sprva se je zdelo, da je recesija že dosegla dno, vendar je dokaj hitro postalo jasno, da temu ni tako saj se je javni dolg v državah drastično povečal. Raven javnega dolga v Sloveniji leta 2008 sicer še ni bila tako kritična, saj je bila še vedno pod povprečjem EU, ki je v letu 2010 znašala 80 odstotkov BDP-ja EU, problematičen pa je bil trend zadolževanja, saj je bil ta med državami članicami EU v zadnjih letih med najhitreje rastočimi. Javi dolg v Sloveniji se je v naslednjih letih hitro začel povečevati. V prvem četrtletju leta 2013 smo zabeležili visok padec gospodarske aktivnosti, padec BDP je bil po razpoložljivih podatkih med največjimi v evrskem območju. Javni dolg, ki je bil med letoma 2006 in 2010 v povprečju 28,6-odstoten, bo še naraščal. Do konca leta 2015 se je povzpel na 80,8 odstotka BDP. Španija se trenutno sooča z najhujšo finančno krizo v zadnjih petdesetih letih. Kriza se je začela kot razširitev mednarodne finančne krize in kot posledica neravnovesij v bančnem in nepremičninskem sektorju. Javni dolg se znatno povečuje. Najhujše posledice finančne krize so se pokazale leta 2009. Upad gospodarstva, proizvodnje, izguba delovnih mest, upad BDP-ja za 6 %. Javni dolg v Španiji je trenutno dosegel rekord saj po podatkih španske centralne banke znaša že 87,8% BDP. Finančna kriza v Grčiji se je začela leta 2009 z dvomi investitorjev, če je Grčija sposobna servisirati svoje dolgove. Sprva je grška vlada prikrivala realne podatke o višini javnega dolga in primanjkljaja ampak se je hitro pokazalo, da sta javnofinančni primanjkljaj in javni dolg bistveno večja kot so sprva prikazali. Leta 2009 je prišla na oblast nova vlada, se je izkazalo, da ima država proračunski primanjkljaj, štirikrat višji od dovoljenega po maastrichtskih kriterijih, ki jih morajo upoštevati države članice Evropske unije. Za nastanek takšnega javnega dolga in javnofinančnega primanjkljaja si je Grčija kriva veliko sama saj je značilno, da je v preteklosti in prav tako tudi sedaj prihaja do davčnih utaj. S pobiranjem davkov države služijo kar v tem primeru pri utaji davkov seveda pomeni, da je država ogoljufana in sicer je Grčija letno izgubila tudi do 20 mrd evrov. Spodbujanje gospodarske rasti in zmanjševanje javnega dolga je strateška prednostna naloga Evropske Unije in držav članic ter je del lizbonske strategije. V podporo tej strateški prednostni nalogi izvaja Evropska unija skupno politiko v vseh sektorjih gospodarstva, medtem ko države članice izvajajo lastne nacionalne strukturne reforme. Učinki teh reform in politik se čutijo v vsej Evropski uniji zaradi tesnih in vse pogostejših vezi med državami članicami.


javne finance;javni dolg;recesija;primanjkljaj;bruto domači proizvod;konkurenčnost;tveganje;finančna kriza;Slovenija;Grčija;Španija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Milošič]
UDC: 336.27(043.2)
COBISS: 12327452 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1055
Downloads: 163
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of public debt and measures for its management during the financial crisis in the case of Slovenia, Greece and Spain
Secondary abstract: In year 2007, we witnessed the emergence of the financial crisis, which first appeared in America and later was extended to the rest of the world. In May 2010 the debt crisis of Greece caused crisis in the European system. At first it seemed that the recession has reached bottom, but fairly quickly it became clear that this is not so because the public debt in the countries increased dramatically. The level of public debt in Slovenia in 2008 at first was not so critical because it was still below the EU average which in 2010 amounted 80 % of the GDP in the EU. Problematic has been the trend of borrowing, this has been between member states in EU in recent years among the fastest growing. Java debt in Slovenia in the next few years started to increase rapidly. In the first quarter of 2013, we recorded a large decline in economic activity the decline in GDP was the data available, the highest in the euro area. Public debt, which was between 2006 and 2010, an average of 28.6 percent, will continue to grow. By the end of 2015 it rose to 80.8 percent of GDP. Spain is currently facing the worst financial crisis in the last fifty years. The crisis began as an extension of the international financial crisis and as a result of imbalances in the banking and real estate sector. Public debt increases significantly. The worst effects of the financial crisis has revealed the 2009 economic downturn, production, job losses, a decline in GDP of 6%. Public debt in Spain is currently reaching record because according to the Spanish central bank is already 87.8% of GDP. The financial crisis in Greece was launched in 2009 with the investors' doubts if Greece can service its debts. Initially, the Greek government is covering up the real data on the amount of public debt and deficits but quickly concluded that the general government deficit and public debt considerably larger than previously demonstrated. In 2009 he came to power a new government, it turned out that the state budget deficit is four times higher than allowed according to the Maastricht criteria, which must be respected by the Member States of the European Union. For the formation of such debt and the public deficit was much to blame Greece itself because it is characteristic that in the past and also now also comes to tax evasion. The tax collection, Member serve in this case for tax evasion, of course, means that the country is deceived through Greece annually lose up to 20 billion €. Promoting economic growth and debt reduction is a strategic priority for the European Union and the Member States and is part of the Lisbon Strategy. In support of this strategic priority by the European Union's common policy in all sectors of the economy, while the Member States implement their own national structural reforms. The effects of these reforms and policies are being felt across the European Union because of the close and growing ties between Member States.
Secondary keywords: Public debt;recession;financial crisis;the general government deficit;gross domestic product;competitiveness;the risk.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 69 str., 6 str. pril.
ID: 9123395
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