magistrsko delo
Panoga estetske kirurgije postaja v sodobnem svetu vse pomembnejša in je v zadnjem desetletju v izrazitem porastu. Predvsem storitve nekirurških, minimalno invazivnih estetskih posegov so v zadnjem času precej zaželene zaradi hitrega učinka, hitrega okrevanja, cenovne dostopnosti in vsesplošne razpoložljivosti. Storitve nekirurških estetskih posegov izvajajo razni specialisti – poleg estetskih kirurgov tudi dermatologi in mnogi zobozdravniki. Prav tako ne gre zanemariti dejstva, da v številnih kozmetičnih salonih s pomočjo sodobne tehnologije izvajajo številne posege, ki omogočajo izboljšanje videza. Tudi storitve kirurških estetskih posegov so postale cenovno dostopnejše.
Z magistrskim delom smo skušali razkriti, kakšna stališča do storitev estetskih posegov imajo ženske v Sloveniji, in kateri dejavniki vplivajo na njihova stališča do storitev estetskih posegov.
Vzorec predstavlja 258 žensk, od tega 41 študentk, 175 delovno aktivnih žensk in 42 upokojenk. Ženske so izpolnjevale anketni vprašalnik, s katerim smo merili razne dejavnike, za katere se je v preteklih študijah izkazalo, da vplivajo na njihova stališča do storitev estetskih posegov. Ugotavljali smo vpliv dejavnikov: status delovne aktivnosti (študentke, zaposlene oz. trenutno brezposelne in upokojenke), izobrazba, okolje bivanja, pomen, pomembnost in vpliv videza na vsakdanje življenje, samozavest, telesna samopodoba, stopnja strahu pred staranjem in izpostavljenost masovnim medijem (televiziji in revijam za ženske). S posebno lestvico ugotavljanja stališč žensk do storitev estetskih posegov smo določili njihova splošna stališča (intrapersonalna komponenta), družbeno motivacijo (socialna komponenta) in njihove namere glede storitev estetskih posegov v prihodnosti (odločitvena komponenta). Ugotavljali smo korelacijo med rezultati merjenja posameznih dejavnikov in rezultati treh komponent, s katerimi smo merili njihova stališča do storitev estetskih posegov.
Ugotovili smo, da obstajajo razlike v stališčih žensk do storitev estetskih posegov glede na status delovne aktivnosti, glede na okolje, kjer živijo, glede na njihovo prepričanje o pomembnosti, pomenu in vplivu videza na vsakdanje življenje, glede na njihov strah pred staranjem in glede na izpostavljenost revijam za ženske. Razlik med njihovimi stališči do storitev estetskih posegov pa nismo zaznali glede na njihovo izobrazbo, glede na njihovo telesno samopodobo in glede na izpostavljenost televiziji. V magistrskem delu je zajeta tudi podrobnejša analiza vplivov posameznih dejavnikov na posamezne komponente konstrukta stališča do storitev estetskih posegov.
Ženske imajo bolj pozitivno stališče do storitev estetskih posegov na splošno. Da bi bile privlačnejše drugim, so do storitev estetskih posegov najbolj pozitivno naravnane študentke, sledijo zaposlene oz. trenutno brezposelne ženske in kot zadnje upokojenke, ki so s tega vidika najmanj zainteresirane za storitve estetskih posegov. Kar pa zadeva njihove namere glede storitev estetskih posegov v prihodnosti, imajo statistično najbolj pozitivna stališča do storitev estetskih posegov študentke, neodločene so zaposlene oz. trenutno brezposelne ženske, pri upokojenkah pa je verjetnost za odločitev za storitev estetskega posega v prihodnosti najmanjša. Kljub vsemu jih je kar 46,1 % vseh prepričanih, da se v prihodnosti zanje ne bodo odločile.
Večina jih je prepričanih, da obstaja precejšen pritisk na ženske, da ostanejo mladostne, medtem ko se starajo. Večinoma se strinjajo, da če človek ni zadovoljen s svojim videzom, naj poseže po storitvah estetskih posegov.
estetski posegi;estetska kirurgija;stališča;ženske;samopodoba;staranje;videz;mediji;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[T. Vidergar Kikel] |
UDC: |
316.644:616-089(043.2) |
Views: |
984 |
Downloads: |
135 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Women's attitudes toward cosmetic surgery procedures |
Secondary abstract: |
Industry of cosmetic surgery is becoming increasingly important in the modern world –it showed dramatic growth in the past decade. In particular, non-surgical, minimally invasive cosmetic procedures have recently become quite popular due to rapid impact, rapid recovery, affordability and widespread availability. Non-surgical, minimally invasive cosmetic procedures are carried out by various specialists - in addition to aesthetic surgeons and dermatologists also many dentists. With the help of modern technology a number of services, designed to improve appearance, are carried out by various beauty salons. Even surgical cosmetic procedures have recently become more affordable.
In this thesis we tried to uncover attitudes of women toward cosmetic surgery procedures in Slovenia and factors that influence their attitudes toward cosmetic surgery procedures.
A sample of 258 women included 41 students, 175 actively working women and 42 retirees. They have completed the questionnaire with measures of various factors for which it has been shown in recent studies to have an impact on their attitudes toward cosmetic surgery procedures. We were trying to uncover influence of the following factors: status of employment (students, working or currently unemployed women, and retirees), education, environment they live in, appearance investment, self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, aging anxiety and media exposure (television and magazines for women). The acceptance of cosmetic surgery scale was used to assess women's attitudes toward cosmetic surgery. The scale assessed general attitudes (intrapersonal subscale), social motivations (social subscale) and the likelihood of actually undergoing a cosmetic surgical or non-surgical procedure in the future (consider subscale). We searched for correlations between predictor variables (status of employment, education, the environment they live in, appearance investment, self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, aging anxiety, and media exposure) and the three cosmetic surgery subscales.
We have found that there are differences in attitudes of women toward cosmetic surgery regarding factors: status of employment, environment they live in, appearance investment, aging anxiety, and exposure to magazines for women. Differences in their attitudes toward cosmetic surgery were not found regarding factors: education, body dissatisfaction, and exposure to television. The thesis also covers detailed analysis of the impact of various factors on the three cosmetic surgery attitudes subscales.
In general women have positive attitudes toward cosmetic surgery. In order to be attractive to others, female students showed more positive attitudes toward cosmetic surgery, followed by working or currently unemployed women, and as last retired women, who are least interested in cosmetic surgery procedures. As for their intentions regarding cosmetic surgery in the future, female students have statistically the most positive attitude toward cosmetic surgery, working or currently unemployed women are neutral, retired women are less likely to decide for cosmetic surgery procedures in the future. Nevertheless, as many as 46,1 % of all believe that they will not decide for cosmetic surgery procedures in the future.
Most of them believe that there is considerable pressure on women to stay youthful, while aging. Mostly they agree that if someone is not satisfied with their appearance, there is nothing wrong if they decide to have cosmetic surgery procedures in order to feel better about themselves. |
Secondary keywords: |
attitudes;cosmetic surgery;body dissatisfaction;aging anxiety;appearance investment;media exposure; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
VI, 128 str., 19 str. pril. |
ID: |
9123844 |