izbira ter izposoja otroških in mladinskih knjig v Knjižnici Domžale
Tamara Banko (Author), Primož Južnič (Mentor)


Knjižnične storitve za otroke in mladino so pomemben del delovanja vsake splošne knjižnice. To je razvidno iz mnogih dokumentov in smernic, ki jih predpisujejo. Branje ima pomemben vpliv na oblikovanje otroka v razmišljujočo in čustveno osebo. Zato je pomembno, da bere kakovostne knjige. Od bolj komercialnih jih lahko ločimo z različnimi literarnimi nagradami. Ena od njih je zlata hruška, ki jo že približno deset let podeljuje Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana - Pionirska. Z njo med vsakoletno produkcijo otroških in mladinskih knjig označijo tiste, ki se jim tako po vsebini, izgledu kot uredniški dovršenosti zdijo najbolj kvalitetne. Vendar ali uporabniki zlato hruško sploh poznajo? Kateri dejavniki še lahko vplivajo na izbiro knjige? V svoji magistrski nalogi sem to ugotavljala s tremi metodami: analizo podatkov iz COBISS-a, intervjuvanjem knjižničarjev in anketiranjem uporabnikov (staršev mlajših otrok in mladine). Med seboj sem primerjala Knjižnico Domžale ter njeni enoti Trzin in Šentvid. Ugotovila sem, da se knjige, nagrajene z zlato hruško, sicer v zadnjih petih letih izposojajo vedno bolj pogosto, jih je pa na seznamu stotih najbolj izposojenih knjig na mladinskem oddelku še vedno zelo malo. Označevanje z zlato hruško se knjižničarjem zdi pomembno, vendar iz različnih razlogov: za uporabnike, saj jim olajša izbiro; za njih same, da lažje priporočijo knjige; ter za nabavo. Nagrado zlata hruška pozna manj kot polovica uporabnikov Knjižnice Domžale. Pri izbiri knjig se jim zdijo pomembnejši dejavniki tematika, kvaliteta in za starše tudi poučnost. Mladi sicer zlato hruško poznajo bolje kot starši, vendar se jim ne zdi tako pomembna pri izbiri knjig. Pogostost obiskovanja knjižnice vpliva na poznavanje zlate hruške, to pa je največje v enoti Šentvid.


otroci;bibliotekarstvo;mladina;knjižnične storitve;otroška literatura;mladinska literatura;knjige;izposoja;knjižnično gradivo;literarne nagrade;Zlata hruška;splošne knjižnice;Domžale;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [T. Banko]
UDC: 027:087.5(497.4Domžale)(043.2)
COBISS: 282121984 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1150
Downloads: 487
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Children's library services are an important part of every public library's operation, as evidenced by many documents and guidelines that deal with the topic. Reading is an important part of shaping a child into a thinking and emotional person. Therefore it is important that they read quality books. We can separate them from more commercial books with various literary awards. The Golden Pear Award, presented by the Ljubljana City Library - Pionirska for approximately the last ten years, is one such award. With it, they label the books that they find to be of highest quality according to content, appearance or editorial perfection in yearly book production. But do library users even know the Golden Pear Award? What other factors may also influence book choices? I examined this in my thesis via three methods: analysis of COBISS data, interviewing librarians and surveying users (parents of small children and young adults). I compared the Domžale Library with its units in Trzin and Šentvid. I concluded that books that won the Golden Pear award have been checked out increasingly more often in the past five years, but there is still very few of them on the list of the 100 most checked out books at the children's and young adult section. Librarians find labelling books with golden pears important, but for different reasons: making choices easier for library users; making recommendations easier for themselves; and for the purpose of procurement. Only less than half of the Domžale Library users know the Golden Pear Award. They find subject matter, quality and instructiveness (parents) more important when choosing books. Young adults know the Golden Pear Award better than parents, but they do not find it as important when choosing books. The frequency of library visits influences the knowledge of the Golden Pear Award, which is highest in the Šentvid unit.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za bibliotekarstvo, informacijsko znanost in knjigarstvo
Pages: 111 f.
ID: 9125148
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