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The graduation thesis presents Michael Cunningham's The Hours. The novel is a Postmodernist work, based on Virginia Woolf's modernist novel Mrs Dalloway. The thesis explores the intertextual relations between the two works and discovers features of adaptation and appropriation. The intertextual analysis is based on several original intertexts: Mrs Dalloway, Woolf%s letters and her life itself. The characteristics of The Hours as an intertextual work, as adaptation and appropriation are supported with examples from the text and with theories by Gerard Genette, Julie Sanders and Linda Hutcheon. Intertextuality is divided into quotation, allusion and paratextuality in the thesis; adaptation is illustrated with specific examples, and appropriation is discussed within the frames of a riff and other imitation features of The Hours. The thesis deals with several elements of The Hours, such as motifs, themes, names of the characters, imitation of Woolf%s style and settings which are presented as intertextual examples or/and as characteristics of adaptation and appropriation. In accordance with Postmodernist principles, the importance of the reader is stressed in order for him/her to perceive the intertextual, adaptive and appropriated features of the novel. The Hours can be perceived as intertextual work or as adaptation and/or appropriation.


The hours;Mrs Dalloway;intertextuality;adaptations;appropriations;postmodernism;modernism;master theses;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [Š. Mosbruker]
UDC: 821.111(73)-311.2.09(043.2)
COBISS: 22046728 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1758
Downloads: 159
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Intertextuality, adaptation and appropriation in Michael Cunni[n]gham's novel The hours
Secondary abstract: V magistrskem delu je predstavljen roman Michaella Cunninghama z naslovom Ure. Cunninghamov postmodernistični roman temelji na modernističnemu delu Virginie Woolf, Gospa Dalloway. Magistrsko delo zajema medbesedilne povezave med romanoma in raziskuje značilnosti priredbe ter prilagoditve. Medbesedilna analiza temelji na originalnih virih kot so: Gospa Dalloway, pisma Virginije Woolf in pisateljičino življenje. Analiza medbesedilnosti, priredbe in prilagoditve v Urah je podprta s primeri iz romanov in teorijami Gerarda Genetteja, Julie Sanders ter Linde Hutcheon. Medbesedilnost je razdeljena na citatnost, aluzijo in paratekstualnost. Priredba je ilustrirana z določenimi primeri, medtem ko prilagoditev predstavljajo refren in druge imitacijske značilnosti Ur. Magistrsko delo obravnava motive, teme, imena književnih oseb, dogajalni kraj in čas ter imitacijo sloga Virginije Woolf kot primere medbesedilnosti, priredbe in prilagoditve. V skladu s postmodernističnimi načeli je poudarjena pomembnost bralca, saj je bralec tisti, ki zazna in razume medbesedilne, prirejene in prilagoditvene značilnosti romana. Ure lahko interpretiramo kot medbesedilno delo, kot priredbo in kot prilagoditev.
Secondary keywords: Ure;Gospa Dalloway;medbesedilnost;priredbe;prilagoditve;postmodernizem;modernizem;magistrska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko
Pages: I, 59 f.
ID: 9125198