diplomsko delo
Brigita Simšič (Author), Samo Bobek (Mentor)


Plačilne kartice so dandanes sodobni plačilni instrument, ki vedno bolj izpodriva gotovino. Žal se s povečevanjem uporabe plačilnih kartic povečujejo tudi njihove zlorabe. Dva zanesljiva vira v boju proti goljufijam sta človek in tehnologija. Tehnološki napredek na področju kartičnega poslovanja zlorab ne more preprečiti v celoti, lahko pa jih zmanjša na obvladljivo raven. Banke izdajateljice kartic, banke pridobiteljice ter njihovi procesni centri se vsakodnevno srečujejo z novimi oblikami zlorab. Pri tem je zelo pomembno, kakšne varnostne mehanizme pri tem uporabljajo, da zlorabe ustrezno nadzorujejo in zmanjšujejo. Trend uporabe plačilnih kartic na spletu je v porastu ter s tem tudi zlorabe. Banke morajo poskrbeti, da so uporabniki kartic dobro ozaveščeni o varni uporabi kartic ter da so istočasno trgovci dobro ozaveščeni o varnem sprejemanju kartic. Rezultati ankete kažejo, da morajo banke narediti več na področju izobraževanja in informiranja uporabnikov kartic ter trgovcev. Ključ do zmanjševanja zlorab je dobra ozaveščenost uporabnikov kartic in trgovcev. Oboji so preslabo seznanjeni o varni uporabi kartice ter samih varnostnih elementih na kartici


bančno poslovanje;plačilni instrumenti;plačilne kartice;tveganje;zlorabe;preprečevanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [B. Simšič]
UDC: 336.717(043.2)
COBISS: 12298780 Link will open in a new window
Views: 914
Downloads: 219
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Fraud detection and prevention of MasterCard and Visa Cards
Secondary abstract: Payment cards are a modern payment instrument that increasingly replaces cash. Unfortunately the increasing use of payment cards also causes misuse of payment cards. People and technology are two reliable sources in the fight against misuse of payment cards. Technological improvements in the card operations cannot be prevented completely but they can be reduced to a level that can be managed. Issuing banks, acquiring banks and their processing centers are constantly faced with new forms of misuse. It is therefore very important what kind of security mechanisms are used to adequately control and reduced them. The trend of using payment cards online goes up and thus the misuse. Banks must ensure that cardholders are well awere of the safe use of cards and the merchants are well aware of the safe acceptance of them, too. The survey results show that banks must do more to educate and inform both the cardholders and the merchants. The key to minimize misuses is certainly a good awareness among cardholders and merchants. Both are not informed enough about the safe use of the cards themselves and the safety features of them.
Secondary keywords: payment cards;cardholder;merchant;bank;fraud detection;fraud prevention.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: IV, 54 str.
ID: 9127574
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